Carefully, she took it out. Checking in her pocket, she was glad to find the lenses holder as she put it away. She looked around the cell but couldn't find any water. Of course, she was a prisoner, how could she possibly expect that?

Drawing her knees closer to her chest, she buried her face between her knees, she tried to think but failed. She was just too scared.

It was cold and dark and she couldn't help but blend in the environment.

Why? Why is this happening? She thought, her tears flowing down her cheeks relentlessly.

Ya Allah, please help me. She prayed and cried. Please send Baba to come and save me.

She felt so vulnerable. She felt like a lost child waiting for her father to come and save her and this situation was so mind boggling for her. She never knew that she would end up in a situation like this.

She didn't know how much time was spent but she kept on crying.


Two days. Sadia was being held up for almost two days now. And Zameer made sure that she wasn't harmed in any way. He kept vigilant watch on her through the surveillance cameras in the cell. She had hardly touched the food that she was given but Zameer noticed that she was taking her daily shots.

He saw her always sitting by the wall, her body balled up and he was certain that she must've been crying because the only item she would take from the tray of food was the water.

"Zameer?!" Qadeem called.

"Yeah?" He said without taking his eyes off the monitor.

"It's time."

Zameer understood and nodded. Straightening up, he walked to the Qadeem, his successor as second in command and took the phone from him.

"Good evening, gentlemen." Zameer spoke in English.

"What the fuck is this about now, you filthy scum?" Came a hostile reply from the other end.

Zameer chuckled mirthfully. He had anticipated as such.

"You've made a stupid move by calling here." The General on the other side claimed.

"I beg to differ, General Bajwa." Zameer responded. The call via phone was completely untraceable even by the intelligence.

"Is that so? This is the Pakistan military intelligence. What makes you think that you can underestimate us?"

"Who said anything about that?" Zameer shot back.

"Isn't this a negotiation?"

"No, not really. But I didn't call for idle chitchat, General Bajwa." Zameer's tone went from light to hard and cold instantly as he snapped his fingers and two of his men went out of the room.

"But I would like to speak with General Abdul Rehman."

"Forget it. Pakistan army does not negotiate with terrorists. If you think you can-"

"Is his daughter well?" Zameer asked and he knew that his words must've gotten to General Abdul Rehman.

There wasn't any reply from the other side but soon enough, Zameer could hear some shuffling.

"This is General Abdul Rehman." Came a stern voice from the other side. "What did you just say in regards to my daughter?"

Zameer chuckled dryly. He was loving the feeling of having power in the situation. Zameer was a sharp man. He had thought everything through.

MAFIA COLLATERAL  (Mafia series #2) SAMPLEWhere stories live. Discover now