Pearl Jun

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Pearl Jun

Me: this chapter would be more focused on Pearl, as you all know his father is a frontier brain of some business tycoon something I think

I'm not sure but I guess that's how it is.

Starting in 3...2...1...


After I woke up, I went down for breakfast alone.

As usual Dad isn't here because he's either battling as a Frontier Brain or doing business as a tycoon

Yeah we're wealthy but we don't show it much, only a three story mansion by the size of two foot ball fields are good

As I sat down on a far end of a long table, a maid approached me handing over a plate with food

Bacon, eggs, pancakes , and some oran berry juice ... Wow so original *sigh*

"Sir Pearl, should I wake your brother?" A butler said, I nodded to him and ate first my bacon.

If your wondering. I have a younger brother, well he's more of a step brother, we have the same dad but his mom died two years after he was born.

We don't mind having him even if were unrelated, we still look the same with the blond hair and all

"Morning, Pearl!" I heard his voice, I turned around to see Emerald

"Morning, Rald" I said "Go eat breakfast" he made his way to the other end of the table as another maid approached him with the same food except he had chocolate syrup over his pancakes

"Hey Pearl, can I go with you to school today?" He ask, I looked up from my empty plate to see him using his nine year old puppy eyes


"I dunno it's kinda boring here especially when dad is at work and step-mom is traveling in another region" he shrugged

"Hmm.." I was thinking about it. My mind was talking to its conscience

Poor Emerald, look at him! He lost his mom at age 2 is he gonna grow up without friends now?

But it's my responsibility if something goes wrong! What can I do?!

Don't worry, your Pearl Barry Jun, son of a frontier brain and


"Pack some things Emerald, your coming to school with me" I smiled, he looked up not really expecting this and returned another brighter smile

~Le Time Skip~

I walked out of the mansion with Rald by my side, that's when I noticed he had an emerald on his fore head

"What's that on your fore head?" I ask

"I found it on the river in our backyard" he replied

(A/N: yes, Pearl was lying when he said their mansion isn't that large. I mean who has a yard with a freakin river O.o? Technically Pearl is almost the same wealth scale as Platinum, Almost)

"Well that's great" I replied walking inside the limo, the ride was silent until we reach the port of Sinnoh

Making my way to our private yacht with two body guards by our side, I boarded the white boat with Emerald

I sat inside the yacht reading a book about Manzai Acts and other comedy thing until I noticed Emerald looking out the window

"What are you looking at Rald?"

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