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Sorry for not posting this sooner, it's been like a month since I said I would, so anyways I probably won't update much hopefully I will, it depends on the reads and votes I guess...

Green: She's just lazy.

Sarah: Am not!

Blue: But it took, like, forever for you to update the first chapter T.T and now your gonna leave us again after this!

Sarah: I am so not going to lea- okay, maybe I will so-

Ruby: That's why we're not gonna make that happen

*Sapphire & Gold appears, grabs Sarah and throws her in a closet*

Sarah: What in the Distortion World! I am your writer! You cannot do this to me!

Red: We can, and we just did *crosses arms*

Sarah: Let me out!

Crystal: Go and start the chapter before she escapes!

Yellow: *whispers* Sorry.. Okay in 3...2...1...


I stood in front of a very, very, very large building. A cold gust of wind blew by, strands of hair falling on my face. 'Maybe this was a bad idea'

But there was no turning back now, on top of the building was a sign with lettering so made of gold 'Jewel Island Academy' It read.

You probably have not much of an idea what's going on now. Well, let me give you a brief explanation of what is exactly happening.

I'm the new girl of this school. It's a school for the wealthy, famous, intelligent and inspiring kids to attend. It's pretty bad since I arrive at the middle of the school year, now I have to catch up with a zillion of homework's and tests

How did I get here you ask?

Well, I was never that rich, I never was able to become a strong trainer, no, I prefer playing with Pokemon and befriending them instead of battling. I don't have any famous or amazing relatives like a professor or a gym leader, it's only me and my fisher man uncle.

The only reason I got here was because of my good grades back in Viridian Public Highschool. And now I'm entering some fancy school probably full of snobs that will ignore/insult me because I'm not that pretty, or rich... Or tall...

'Think Positive, Yellow!' I snapped 'You should be glad to get this opportunity!'

Without much thought, I started climbing the first few steps of the school stopping now and then to enjoy the beautiful view

'A school on top of a hill, now, doesn't that sound rich?' I glance around the horizon to only see the deep blue oceans 'Of course, it's also in the middle of the ocean'

To get here you must take a school boat, each region has two school boats that will take them here.

But if your really rich, you can hop on your own personal yacht or boat. Using water Pokemon would be dangerous since the place is too far, the closest region to here is Kanto.

Just as I reached the top, I examine the gates 'Pure gold, obviously' Just how rich is this school?


Running through the crowded halls, I notice each student walking around like models in a runway, some with their personal maid or butler trailing behind them.

'Now, where's Prof.Oak's office?' I thought, just as I turn to a corner, I felt myself collide with a tall, muscular figure

"Oh, sorry, didn't see you there" A boy said, I look up to face a pair of crimson red eyes. I felt my face heat up to a blush as I tried to snap myself out of my daydream 'This has got to be a dream right? There is no way a guy like him is alive!'

Just as I walked a dew feet away from him, I heard him shout out "Hey! Your new here aren't ya?!" I turned around. Forcing a nod

"Yeah, I'm new" I said "how did you know?"

"I know everyone here" he replied. 'He must be popular here then.. Or is he just smart enough to know everyone?'

"So you must be looking for a prof.Oak! Right?" He ask

"Yeah, can you tell me where he is?"

"Com'on!" He grabbed my hand, I felt a spark rush through my veins, he must've felt it too because he immediately pulled his hand away

'Oh Arceus! Please don't tell me I'm in some romance movie, with the spark thing? Is that suppose to be true love!' I thought to myself.

The said boy looked at me before grinning sheepishly "That must've been my Piakchu" He pointed to a yellow mouse sitting on his shoulder that im just happen to notice "He likes to shock people, sometimes"

I nearly slapped myself, instead I mentally face palmed 'Who was I kiddin'? I mean, there's no such thing as true love, even if there is, it can't be with someone like him!'

"So... Prof.Oaks office is this way!" The boy said before dragging me off. Not that I minded, nope, not at all.

On the way, I couldn't help but notice girls drool over him while they gave me death glares and boys talk with him like there known each other for years 'Wow, he must be popular'


"Well, here we are!" The boy said, I look at the tall, gold, door in front of me. It had a picture of Arceus carved into the fine stature. "So.. Guess I gotta say goodbye before I go late for class" I said

"Oh, I'm Yellow by the way" I said, with all the fussing I totally forgot to introduce myself. "Yellow de Verde, from Kanto, Viridian"

The boys eyes seem to lit up as he grinned "Red, just call me Red," he spoke "From Kanto, Pallet. Same region as you are"

My mind began to wonder 'Red, Red, Red, now where have I heard of that before? Red...'

Then my mind came to a stop "Champion of the Indigo Pokemon Leuge! Red Ketchum of Pallet Town!" I spoke out loud, but before I can question Red, he wasn't there

"I can't believe I was talking to the Champion, and I never knew"


"Ah! Yellow de Verde!" Prof.Oak greeted, looking up from his paper work "I have been waiting for your arrival" he extended his hand for me to shake


I shook his hand before taking a seat. "Ms.Delia, my secretary would be the one to support you from now on, terribly sorry, but I'm busy with paper work and I can no long assist you any further" Prof.Oak said, I nodded and followed a lady no older than 30.

"Hello Ms.Verde, I'm Ms.Delia" She said, a hint of French in her voice "Now here are some papers to help you, the school map, your classes, locker number and more, if you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to ask"

She said before leaving me alone in the halls. I sighed to myself before starting to read the heavy bundle of papers on my arms

'Being the new girl isn't easy'


Okay that would be it for now so... SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME ESCAPE FROM THIS CLOSET!!!

Blue: Do you hear something?

Gold: nah! It's probably just your imagination *shrugs*

Sarah: sighs -___-

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