Start of A Beautiful Friendship NOT

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CHAPTER TWO: Start Of A Beautiful Friendship NOT

Im back, well I never actualy left since I was locked in a closet >_>

Blue: you were gonna leave us again


Ruby: back to the closet *drags Sarah into closet, closes, locks*

GET ME OUT OF HE- what am I saying, i'll be locked here forever -_-

Yellow:*whispers* sorry... Anyways ^.^ starting chapter in 3...2...1...


After finaly founding my classroom. I waited outside until the teacher would call my name

"Class we all have a new student this year" I heard her voice then a few groans from the lazy students and some squeals from the excited ones

"You can come in now" thats my signal, with a slight hesitation and a deep breath I walked in

"Please introduce yourself" the teacher said, i nodded and started fidgeting with my fingers uncomfortably as i felt their eyes boring into mine

"Hi, Im Yellow De Verde from Kanto, Viridian City. Nice to meet you" I said

"Nice to meet you too Ms.Verde now take a seat anywhere, my name is Ms.Winona your advisor and battle strategies teacher"

I immediately searched the room for a familiar face...whoa m I kidding im new here of course there are no familiar faces

Until me eyes met with a pair of red one's, it was that boy from the hall, Red! But all the seats around him were taken by some snobish looking girls

I sighed at took a seat besides another girl at the far end of the classroom

She had blue hair and crystal blue eyes, she wore the usual uniform but I knew her right away, she's Prof.Oak's assistant, Crsytal. She was a nice inspiration to kids, smart, kind, beautiful, grateful and generous as she spends her spare time helping orphanage's and proffessors. Because she knows the proffessors so well she was sent to this school by the proffessors who own the place

Meaning she isnt a rich snob like me, oh joy. At least I wont be a loner now

Just when the teacher wasnt looking she turned around to face me a smile plastered on her face

"Hi im Crys-"

"Crystal? Yes i know alot about you" i cutted in as her face flushed in emberrasment

A short silence fell as she spoke

"Do you have any friends already?" She ask, eyes not leaving her desk as she scribbled down some notes written on the board

"...well no, but i did met this boy"

"Really! who?" She asked getting more curious in this

"Umm he said his name was Red?"

"Oh...Red" she narrowed her eyes sadly, i saw her grip her pencil hard until her fingers turned white and as the tip broke in half. She sighed and grabbed another pencil

"...what about Red?"

"Oh nothing...just dont...get related with them"


"Yeah, him and his friends"

"Who are his friends?" I asked as she sighed loudly

"...Red, Green, Ruby, Wally, Pearl, Diamond" she stopped "...and Gold" mumbling the last part, i was curious but decided not to question about this 'Gold'

(A/N: Yeah i know Silver and Emerald are'nt with Red yet, I have plans with them ;)

"Oh...." Tension filled the air for a few seconds until the bell rand lifting all hot air in everyones heads

"Okay, good bye class that would be all today" Ms.Winona said, erasing the chalk board

Crystal turned to me with a smile like nothing happened but the pain was obvious in her eyes

"Do you want to eat lunch with me and my friends?" She ask making me smile

"I would love to" before leaving the room with Crystal i took one glance at Red to see him straing back with sad eyes

Remembering Crystals words on not to get related or close with him and his friends, i looked away ignoring him

Little did I know his lips turned to a large frown behind my back

"Come on Yellow" Crystal called

"Im coming!" I exclaimed back running through the halls saying afew sorry's and excuse me to passer by's with annoyed looks


Well im continueing this later

Next chapter coming up -_-



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