"Well I guess I'm sleeping with you then Ni because my mom is sleeping and I'm already comfortable. "

"Mkay." He says before shutting all the lights off and then pulling back the blankets on the other side of the bed. He then climbs underneath the blankets and says,

"Night Tori."

I respond with, "Night."

After that the room is quiet except for our light breathing. It's quite relaxing actually. Before I even know it I'm drifting off the sleep.


'BEEP BEEP!" Niall's phone repeats. Then eventually shuts off.

I open my eyes and find myself in Niall's arms. Ha, I wish. Actually it's like the complete opposite. My hand is sloppily hung over Niall's chest and I am in the shape of a starfish. I wonder if he got a decent sleep.... Also the blankets are all on my side. When the girls and I would have sleepovers I would get my own blankets because I am a blanket hog. Whoops, forgot to tell Niall that. I hope he wasn't cold. I sit up and Niall stirs before opening his eyes.

"Mornin." Niall says, he voice still groggy from sleeping.

"Hey." I reply.

"Tori?" he asks.


"What the hell did you dream about?" he laughs. "First I get kicked, not once but a couple times, then you roll over and swing your arm onto my face, and then you steal my blankets!" Niall protested. Heheh he protested. NO JIMMY PROTESTED!

He can't keep a straight face now and neither can I.

"I'm sorry." I laugh.

"No, it's okay. I actually had a pretty decent sleep except for ya know, getting beat up." He jokes.

"Dude! I said I'm sorry!" I exclaim.

"Okay I'm being serious now. It wasn't that horrible. Besides I was hot anyways, I didn't need the blankets."

"Okay good."

"But really, were you like some sorta ninja in your dream?" He laughs. His laugh is so contagious.

"Actually I didn't dream, I don't think anyways. I hate it when you can't remember if you dream or not." I say.

"Ya, I know whatcha mean." Anyways.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!"Niall says.

"Morning. Happy birthday Tori!" My mom says while stretching her arms above her head then yawning.

"Morning."Niall and I say.

"Sorry if I woke you up." Niall apologized.

"Oh no it's okay. I was kind if half asleep. Anyways, why did we wake up so early?" Mom complains sounding like a teenager. Well what can I say, I sound like that.

I look at the clock on the microwave and it says 6:30.

"Because Tori's ice time with Carey starts at 8:30." Niall explains.

"I see." Mom replies.

"Well I better get ready then!' I say.

I clamber out of bed and then chuck all the blankets at Niall's face. He laughs and wraps himself in the blankets. I laugh too.

I grab my suitcase from the floor and walk into the bathroom. I change into clothes suitable for hockey, wash my face, brush my teeth, and pull my hair into a low pony. The reason for the low pony is because a high pony won't fit in my helmet. I zip my bag up and walk out of the bathroom.

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