Am I cursed?

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When Loki and I returned to the house it was dark outside, we walked up on to the porch. His arm around me and mine around him, "Do you really want to go back in there?" I ask, him back to my emotionless voice I usually use. He stops on the top step of the porch and takes a deep sigh, he then turns me so I'm facing him and puts his hands on my waist. I then entwine my fingers behind his neck, "Sometimes, we have to do things we do not wish to do." he says.

"You have to be careful, Sif and the Warriors Three already have their suspicions about you." I warn him.

        He pulls me closer and puts his forehead on mine,"I know." he tells me. I then break from his hold and grab his hand, leading him in the house. Everyone is in the same place we left them, there are a few things that aren't the same. Volgstagg is snoring loudly and has empty plates surrounding him, as well as pieces of food in  his beard. Hogan is asleep by the hearth, with a dagger in his left hand. Fandral is wide awake and staring at him self in the mirror, shocker, and Sif is watching the television in amazement. I then grab the television remote and turn it off making both Hogan and Volstagg wake up. Sif then looks up at me with wonder plastered on her face, Fandral then turns around grinning at me making me roll my eyes. "I think it's best if we all went to bed." I say.

"We must go back to Asgard then." Fandral says, almost getting by me before I stop him. 

"No, you will all stay here. We can go back to Asgard in the morning. Okay?" I say, they all nod.

        I then lead them all to their rooms and Loki is still left behind, I try to think of the other guest rooms we have but there are none. "I guess your staying in my room." I tell him causing him to grin. "Not like that." I scold him, making him roll his icy blue eyes. I show him to my room and open the door. He walks in and tries a detour for my bed,  I hold my hand up and point to the couch. He groans, turning back towards the couch. I go in my closet for a pillow and blanket. After I find them, I hand them to him and he makes himself a bed on my couch. I go to the bathroom and change into my pajamas. I come out and see him frowning at me, "What?" I ask him raising my eyebrows."I expected a women such as yourself to show more skin while you slept." He says while smirking. I brush his comment off my shoulder and get in my bed. "Good night Loki." I say. "Good night my love." I hear him reply before dozing off.

        The next morning after we all ate, everyone went to the sight where Loki, Sif and The Warrior's three came to earth. Yes, my brother's coming with. I couldn't leave him not again. We all stand in the imprint that the bifrost made in the prairie, that was literally in our yard. "Heimdal," Fandal says, "Open the bifrost." The next second I see the bifrost above us all, feeling Loki wrap his arm around my waist. "Cool." I hear my brother say quietly. Loki's grip on me tightens the closer the bifrost gets. "I've been through the bifrost before." I say so only he can hear. I feel his grip on my slightly relax. The bifrost then hits us and we are all shooting through space. I turn towards Loki and put my hand on his chest while wrapping my other arm around him. I feel him chuckle, I roll my eyes at him. 

        All the sudden the colors stop and we are all back in Asgard. Loki then releases me and I take a few steps away, I don't want anyone to know about us yet. "Hey, whats up with the black dude!" I hear Nick blurt out. I then glare at him while I speed walk towards him and grab him by his hair, "I apologize for my brother, Heimdall." I say pulling Nick out of the bifrost so I can yell at him. " WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!!" I scream at him letting go of his hair. He then starts to rub his head, "What it was a valid question." He says. I groan, "Sometimes you are so moronic it blows my mind." I say to him. He then looks at me confused,"What moronic?" he asks.

"Never mind!!" I yell.

        At that point everyone else had come out of the bifrost watching me yell at Nick. "Lets go." I growl, walking towards the palace. I stay towards the back of the group and stay with Loki. He then takes a different turn, towards the weapons vault. I grab his arm causing him to turn and look at me, there are so many emotion in his eyes I can't decipher them. "Why are you going to the weapons vault?" I ask him quietly. 

"I need to take care of something." He says.

"Take care of what?"

"I will tell you when I return." he kisses my forehead,"Go with them to the sitting room."

         He then leaves me in the hall, once he turns in to different hall I start to follow him to the weapons vault. Once he gets there I see him go towards the casket. I hide on the upper flight of stairs, low enough so I can see him but high enough so he can't see me. I see him pick up the casket, "Stop!" I hear Odin's voice say. I turn my gaze towards me, clearly he doesn't know I'm there. "Am I cursed?" Loki then said. 

"No," was Odin's reply.

"Then what am I?" he asks.

"Your my son." Odin replys

        Loki puts down the casket and turns around, I see his blue skin and the raised tattoos that make his features breathtaking. "What more then that?" Loki says calmly, but with so much venom in his words I can hear it dripping on the floor. "The casket wasn't the only thing you took from Jotunheim that day was it."Loki says.

"No." was Odin's reply."In the aftermath of battle," Odin continues,"I went in the temple and I found a baby. Small for a giant's offspring, abandoned and dying. Laufey's son." I froze, every muscle in my body tensed up, I looked back at Loki I saw him break.

"Laufey's son." Loki said in a daze.

"Why?" asked Loki confused,"You were knee deep in Jotun blood why would you take me?"

"You were but at child--"

"No, you took me for a purpose what was it." Loki says, Odin does not respond."TELL ME!!" Loki yells.

"I thought one day we could unite our kingdoms through you." Odin said,"Those plans no longer matter now."

"So I-I-I'm just another stolen relic locked up here until you have use for me."

"Why do you twist my words?"

"Well it all makes sense, why you favored Thor all these years. BECAUSE NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU CLAIMED TO LOVE ME." Loki then became quiet and said."You couldn't have a Frost Giant sitting on the throne of Asgard!" Loki said hovering over Odin, who had collapsed on the stairs. There was a look of worry in Loki's eyes, "Guard, Guard please come quickly!!" the guards came and took Odin. 

        I stepped out of my hiding spot once the guards dragged Odin away. Loki then turned towards me and stops dead in his tracks. He has confused, worry, guilt, and hurt all on his face at once. "How much of that did you hear?" he asked me looking down. I start to walk towards him, "All of it." I say to him. I then walk towards him and hug him tightly, he seems shocked at first but eventually he returns my embrace. "I'm so sorry." I say to him. I feel his wet face on my neck, we stood there in a comfortable silence for what felt like hours. Still holding him I say,"I will always love you, no matter what you do." I feel him release a breathe and pull away from him slightly. I then kiss him passionately, showing him how much I truly care for him.

        At that moment I knew that I would love Loki, Always and Forever.

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