Chapter 17

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"Between who?", I ask slightly confused.

"You and Shawn, you guys seem to despise each other," Cameron says slightly chuckling. Cameron reverses out of the drive way before saying, "Address?"

I tell him the address before continuing, "To be completely honest with you, I'm not sure what's going on between Shawn and I. I've only been at this school for a week, but within the first day I already made a enemy; Shawn. I ran into him and he was a douche about it. But he apologised and I forgave him, everything was going well for the first 5 min and I said something that upset him. It was just miscommunication. He thought I was some crazy fangirl. I didn't even know who he was, or that he was somewhat famous on I think Vine," I laugh.

"Wait how don't you know what Vine is?", Cameron asks genuinely confused.

"Before I moved here I kind of cut everyone off, and social media. I didn't care what happening in the world, unless it happened to me, so I never really heard of Vine," I explain.

"Oh okay, continue."

"So long story shot Shawn hated me for a good day, until last period I was talking to his old friends. He got jealous freaked out, which caused me to freak out and run out the class. Soon after he apologised again, became friends with Jess and Joss again. So everything was good, until today. I don't know what happened, but he was just being a dick suddenly."

We both were silent for five minutes until Cameron decided to speak up.

"You shouldn't take his bipolar-ness personal. I think he is really stressed with his growing fan base and all the drama that comes with it, like friends. Having a friend that you know you can trust for sure is really hard, especially in this industry. We were all really lucky to be able to come together with Magcon, we are all in the same situation so we understand each other more. Shawn is a really nice guy, probably the nicest guy I've met, give him time. Okay?", Cameron asks.

"Yea I get what you mean. So I'm guessing you are also part of this Vine?", I ask.

"Gosh you sound like a old lady, yes I'm part of vine. A lot of people are actually, you should really check it out. Maybe make your own account," Cameron suggests.

"Yea I will check it out."

Before I know it Cameron stops in front of my house. "Do you live here with your parents? It looks a bit small," Cameron asks, "That sounds really rude, not like a bad small. A cute small," he rambles.

I laugh at his antics before saying, "No I live here with my brother, and its okay I don't find it offensive. Thanks for the lift Cameron, I appreciate it."

"No problem," he replies whilst I climb out the car. "Cass, before you go, can I get your number. I would really like to hangout again," he says as he gives his phone. I quickly type in my number and give his phone back before running inside yelling a quick "goodbye" over my shoulder.

I go up to my room to change before I climb into bed.

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