Chapter 2: Meeting The League

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A/N: Thank you LuckyKittty-Meow & iLovemyRobins for voting and I hope you enjoy this story. I will try to update every week at the most.

I would tell you guys my plans but then that would be spoiling.

[Earth-16 | Two weeks ago | Location: The Watchtower]

At the large U-shaped table sat 14 of members of the Justice League, including both Green Lanterns

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At the large U-shaped table sat 14 of members of the Justice League, including both Green Lanterns. Only Zatara and the Flash were missing—the sorcerer was investigating a case in Malaysia while the speedster was late as usual.

The meeting was called by Batman, concerning Wally's recent unusually gloomy behavior that did not go unnoticed by Black Canary. Dinah suspected that Flash either didn't care or hadn't noticed his nephew's sudden mood, but either way, she wanted it dealt with before Wally destroyed himself.

"Flash. You finally made it!" Hal stood up from his chair to greet his friend, wrapping an arm around the scarlet speedster. "What took you so long?"

Barry sheepishly shrugged and answered as both he and GL sat down, "I'm sorry. I was preoccupied with something else."

A sudden tension rose in the air as Wonder Woman spoke aloud, "Something else? Like what?" Her gaze was focused on Barry, eyes full of intimidation and concern. When Barry didn't answer, the Amazon continued, "What could be so important that you are late, as usual, to another meeting? What if this had been urgent? Would you still continue to show late and force us to wait whilst the world dies? What do you have to say for yourself?"

Her fists slammed on the table top, causing the heroes beside her to discreetly inch away. All eyes were on Barry, who wanted to run away and hide. Hal glared at Diana and turned to Batman. "This isn't why we gathered here today. Batman, you said you wanted to discuss something with us?"

The dark knight nodded and stood up. "It has come to Black Canary's attention that Kid Flash has been acting unusual lately." Barry's brow furrowed in confusion. This confirmed Black Canary's suspicions—the speedster didn't know anything of Wally's behavior.

"Unusual? Like how?"

"He lashed out at Miss Martian this morning. Over burned cookies..." Black Canary drawled, sighing at the end. "He's never yelled at her for anything before, especially over something like burned cookies. In fact, he's never complained about anything as small as that."

She paused, her gaze focused on the concerned speedster. "We are wondering if anything has happened recently that would make him he's been abandoned or forgotten. Anything, Barry."

Flash was silent for a long time but by his expression, BC knew he was trying to think, unlike other times when he would say anything that came into his mind.

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