Chapter Two

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Published - March 19th, 2018
Copyright © Anna Rose 2018


Here I am,

Everyone has to take a bathroom break at some point.

Anyway, Let's get back to the story shall we?

September 18th, 2015

I was currently sitting inside Castle, I thought it would be best not to go yesterday, and the day before just in case the stranger from that day came back again. I wouldn't have known how to deal with it if we were to meet again.

I brought my laptop today, hoping to stay a little longer because my apartment was starting to feel a little bit lonely. I opened my Macbook air, this was the only expensive thing I owned. I had worked countless overtime shift throughout the summer to be able to afford it.

To be an author, I needed something to write my stories with, didn't I?

I searched up Tumblr, I was automatically signed in so I began scrolling down seeing what was being reblogged today by my online buddies.

I may not have 'real' friends but I was lucky enough to meet people online who shared the same trait as me. It was a lot easier to be friends with people through the internet, a bit dangerous but nonetheless, I found it less complicated than having to deal with people in real life on a daily basis. The judgemental looks and all.

Those I've met online had been struggling with something in their lives and turned to the internet to vent out those feelings. They were nice and I felt understood, the fact that I didn't just wanna blend in with the crowd, doing that same thing everyone was doing. I wanted to be different, I didn't wanna conform to how society wanted me to be.

I wanna be someone extraordinary.

"Salted caramel for April" I stood up and walked to the counter, I ordered in today so the usual paper cup was a mug today. I grabbed my drink and a stir stick before uttering a soft thank you. The person on shift today wasn't the same man from that day.

This time a girl with auburn hair had been working, she was just as nice flashing me a sweet smile. I walked back to the booth I had been sitting in and placed the piping hot mug down.

I sat back down and began to scroll through my feed again, As I sipped on my hot cocoa, my laptop 'dinged' signalling a notification and a message popped up making me smile when I'd seen who it was from.

I opened the chat with Leslie, we haven't talked in a few days.

Leslies: Stop posting pictures of your aesthetically pleasing cafe adventures! U know it makes me jealous that I'm not there with you sugar! - Sent 09/18/15 09:24 AM

I chuckled softly, suddenly missing my best friend. Another ding echoed out before I could reply to the first message.

Leslies: Shouldn't you be at work?? No fair Apes! D: - Sent 09/18/15 09:25 AM

HopelesslyShy: You're a couple of hours away! Why don't you make the time to come down and visit me! - Sent 09/18/15 09:25 AM

HopelesslyShy: You already forgot my schedule?? :'( I'm not liking you very much right now - Sent 09/18/15 09:26 AM

Leslies is typing...

Leslies: Right! It's Friday, Oops ehehe I love you And I know! I miss you so much more, but Christmas will be here before we know it. - Sent 09/18/15 09:26 AM

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2018 ⏰

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