"You ready to peyton?"  ask looking up at him with a smile

"Yeah come on." He says

"Bye guys see ya at 8:30. LOVE YA." I hear a bunch of  I love you's before I shut the door behind me and walk besides Peyton.

"So where are we going?" I ask

"Well I thought we could go to the aracade then a movie, but the rest is a suprise." He answers with a smile.

"Ok let's go." I say happily

(At The Arcade)

"Your going down Meyer" I smile at Peyton 

"In your dreams Tomlinson"  He says as he takes ahead on the racing game. I quickly us my trbo boost and shoot pat him to the finishing line.

"Winner looks like my dreams have come true" I shout throwing my hangs in the air.

We've been in the arcade for a while, we've played every game in here. It's actually awesome, the date is going great. Ed is flirting with the girl that brought a little boy here.  The boys have been sending me texts non-stop.  I told them I would tell them at home, but they still wouldn't quit I had to send the girls after them.

"Wow how did you learn how to play video game like this?" He asks with a smile

"Well I live in a house with 5 boys and a gaming room with every game imaginable. Plus I'm a tomboy." I say

"Well they have taught you well. Nice job" He smile

"Thanks." I smile back staring at his forest green eyes

"The movie should be starting in a while, do you want to head out now?" He asks


"Let's go see the fault in our stars." Peyton suggests

"Really I've been dying to see that movie but the lads are too busy. You really don't mind?" I ask

"No it's ok really." We buy our tickets but we didn't get anything to eat because the suprise has to do with food. We take our seats and the theatre is packed with couples. The movie is amazing so far, it's sad too. I  see couples kissing on the part where they are looking at the stars, it's so akward but we don't care. We keep watching the movie. (I'm not gonna ruin the ending for who ever hasn't seen it and wants to see it)

After the movie is over Peyton leads me to a moonlight picnic set up on a grassy hill with a lot of food.  I jump at the site of food then realize this isn't going to be romantic if Ed is watching us like some kind of creepy stalker.

"Ed can you please gives us some privacy. Nothing is going to happen, you can trust me I swear." I say looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine but no funny business and text me when your done." 

"Ok Thanks Ed." I give him a quick hug and watch him walk off. Peyton intertwines our fngers and leads me over to the picnic. 

The food was amazing, his mom made it. After talking eating and laughing for a while, we decided look at the starry night. When I looked back down at Peyton was looking at me happiness in his eyes. He leaned in and closed the space between us, connectng our lips.  All I see is fireworks behind my closed eyes. His tongue begs for entrance and I grant it by open my mouth and letting his tongue massage and play with my tongue while his lips do the same. 

By the time we pulled apart we both had huge grins and blushes. I heard a slow song oming from the bottom of the hill and look at Peyton who's already putting the picnic away. After he's done he sticks his hand out for me.

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