Chapter 13

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Niall P.O.V

After nearly 2 hours of cleaning everything is clean except Gabrielle's room. I didn't bother to step foot in her room the pain was too much. I go into every room and grab some clothes for everyone. I step in front of her door and look at the mess. I set the duffel bag down by her door and step in the room is still as messy as how we found it ealier. The poster that said 'My Family' is ripped into pieces and on the floor. Her bed is a total mess and there's glass all over the floor. Her closet is an even bigger mess, the mirrors are smashed and so is the bathroom mirror. I noticed her laptop has a picture on the screen and her journal is right next to it. I move closer and realize the picture is Stephanie, I press play and hear an ear splitting scream. I pause the video it was now on a picture of Gabbie who screamed. I noticed more videos and the journal was open to a page with Mondays date. I pick it up and began ready.

I am such an ass. I quickly grab her some clothes and throw them into a bag. I grab her laptop, journal and her cellphone before running out of the house. I throw the bags into the passenger seat and floor the gas and speed off.

At the Hospital ( Still Niall's P.O.V)

I rush into the hospital and run into Gabbie's hospital room. Everyone is watching Gabbie sleep but their heads snap towards me when they hear the door open.

"Lads she was telling the truth." I say breathelessly

"Who was telling the truth?" Stephanie asks

"You bitch it's you fault she's in the hospital and in coma." I snarl while walking towards her but Zayn and Liam grab my arms and hold me back before I get close even to do something stupid.

"Niall sweetie what are you talking about? I haven't seen her since Monday." I break free of the lads grip and get Gabrielle's computer.

"I'm talking about this." I play the first video and the videos keep coming until we reach the one from tonight. As soon as the last video was over the girls wiped their tears and jumped on Stephanie. Liam ran to pull Danielle off, Louis went to get Eleanor who wouldn't budge off of Stephanie. Zayn quickly got Perrie to release Stephanie's hair. They held the raging girls securely in their arms. I saw anger in their eyes, anger that I have never seen before.

"I'm bouts to kill a bitch." Perrie says before trying to jump at Stephanie again.

"I should kill you. You bitch you tried to kill my sister." Eleanor screams at Stephanie . Eleanor trys to escape Louis grip but he's too strong.

" She begged you to stop. She was crawling on the floor for fucks sake." Liam snarls

"I can explain." Stephanie says holding her face

"No you can't the videos did all the explaining. You nearly killed our daughter for no reason." Louis says

"What's there to explain, you hurt an innocent girl who's had the worst life ever and all she wanted was love." Zayn says.

"She was starving herself because of what you said." Danielle said quietly

"I trusted you. I believed you over her and I defended you." I sneer

"Niall honey please." she comes closer towards me and I move back

"Get out. I want you out of my life. Now." I hiss at her. She glares at all of us and leaves the room.

"The little slut was taking mine and my little sisters place. She deserved what she got." She quickly walked out of the room. I chase after her and everyone follows me.


Gabrielle's P.O.V

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