First Day of School

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Dipper p.o.v
Its the first day of school. Ever since that summer we went home but then only I  came back to Gravity Falls and Mabel stayed back home. For the school assembly there was a big crowd a couldnt get through. Lots of girls were crowding around someone. I tried getting through and when I got to the middle I fell on my face. Some girls just laughed and others just shunned me, like I care. I look up to see a guy with a black hoodie, a yellow undershirt, yellow but devious eyes, yellowish gold hair, jeans, some converse and a tannish skin color. What shocked me is when he said " Hey Pinetree" I jumped up and yelled "BILL?!" Hey smiled and held out his hand to help me but I just got up and walked right past him as if I didn't know him. I managed to get through the crowd and get my class schedule in time. I also was able to find my classes too.

PE- 1st
Science- 2nd
Language Arts- 3rd
History- 4th
Math- 5th
Drama- 6th
Art- 7th
I went to first period only to see that
Bill was there. "Hey Pinetree" he said. He grabbed my schedule put of my hands and I tried getting it back but he was so tall. He then said " we have all the same classes my luv." I snatched my schedule from his grasps and went to do spots in PE. Bill was of course behind me. Always pestering me. After that he said to go change. After I changed everyone got out but Bill of course pushed me out of the door way. I then went to the court to play basketball. Our team won and we had fun. What I didnt notice was Bill being surrounded by girls watching me play basketball. After that I was really sweaty and was tired. I changed into my clothes and went to my next class. Bill however kept very close to me while I was walking there but the thing waa that I could feel the glares and death auras of the girls that surrounded Bill so I quickly ran to my class. Girls are scary.

bill x dipper high school auWhere stories live. Discover now