"You fucking picked the wrong girls to mess with, bitch." She said and while she was talking I pulled the gun from under the mattress, closed my eyes, and heard two gunshots. Mine and hers. Oh my God. I just shot a guy. I just fucking killed a person. Remind me to pray when I get home. I rolled off of the bed before the guy fell on top of me and stood up. When I looked at him, he had two gun holes in his stomach. I think I'm gonna vomit. I heard a loud thump and looked over to Sky to see she had passed out. NONONO WAKE UP!

I ran over to her and sat her up against a dresser and fanned her with one hand while trying to shake her awake with another. Her eyes fluttered open for a second and then I saw her focus. Okay she passed out from what she had done not what had been happening to us the last four days. Us. The girls. PERRIE AND SOPHIA!

"WAKE UP, SKY!" I yelled in her face and she sat upright. "We have to get the girls and get our asses out of here." I said to her. It took a while to sink into her brain but when she understood she stood up, dusted herself off, and walked back to the basement.

"You keep watch, Lil. I'll get the girls out." She said and went through the door.

"Me?! I can't do anything!" I yelled at her.

"If you can shoot a person, you can do this." She said calmly back to me. Why the fuck is she so fucking calm? We just fucking killed a person. This isn't a video game! He's not coming back! I guess he doesn't need to for what he was doing... Maybe we actually saved more lives than we took... I heard a gunshot come from the basement followed by another. All three girls came back up through the door. Perrie was rubbing at her wrists that were lined with red and old, dried blood.

"Perrie. What's wrong with your wrists?" I asked calmly.

"She'll tell you later. Now we have to move our asses and get the fuck out." Sky said while taking the lead still holding her gun and luring us down the hallway. These walls must be super thick, because no one heard four gun shots. I would say five but Sky and mine's sounded like one.

"Sky, I don't want you to have to keep killing people." I whispered to her while we all tiptoed.

"You think I enjoy it? It's self defense. I'm not going to do it because they might be a threat. If they let us go, I won't do anything to them. They'll just go to jail." Sky whispered back. She did have a point there. "Stop. Someone's coming." She whispered and tried to push all of us to the wall. The man walked passed without seeing us and Sky stalked forward to him, putting the barrel to the back of his head. "Exit. Now. Where is it." Sky demanded. If she's like this playing video games then she's good.

"Uh-h I-I'll tell y-you. J-just don't sh-shoot." The guy quivered.

"Where is the exit?" Sky repeated firmly.

The guy took a few seconds but instead of telling us he made a grab for the gun. Sky bent her knees, rolled backwards, and stood back up again then shot the guy in the leg. A howl rang through the hallway and he was on the ground in seconds. How'd she go from Sky who likes to draw ponies to Tomb Raider in the matter of days. Sky can't be the only one to help. I remember back when she got in fights she told me some moves. Only a couple. But right now it could be life or death.

"The fucking exit now or I'll shoot." Sky threatened the writhing man on the floor.

"Fine. The exit is-" the man was cut off by the sound of doors being kicked down, windows being broken, and loud shouting.

"MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! EVERY SECOND COUNTS!" A guy yelled. A bunch of SWAT team members and cops were running through the hallways armed, going through doors and other paths. A couple of members circled around the guy that Sky shot when we heard those familiar voices.

Befriending One Direction *ON HOLD*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें