Chapter 3

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*Liliana's POV*

I heard commotion outside and decided to take a look to see what was happening.

I looked outside the window of my small apartment's living room and saw a bunch of crooked cars and cyclists either getting back on their bikes or trying not to wobble.

"What's going on out there?" I said to myself as I bookmarked my book and set it on the arm of the sofa.

I pulled on a pink puffed up vest over my black long sleeve shirt and a pair of black fuzzy boots.

I grabbed my key of the hook in front of the door and walked out my apartment. I locked the door and started heading for the exit gate before it closed. I started walking down the sidewalk to where the commotion was the loudest.

"I bet someone got in a car accident again, I swear that intersection is so stupidly busy and drivers are stupid too." I said while tucking my arms into my armpits to keep them warm and shaking my head.

I turned a corner and saw a bus and white hair and immediately knew what was about to happen.

"SKY!" I yelled while charging for her. She was just frozen in shock standing there.

I tackled her just before the bus hit her and her groceries flew out of her hand and under the tire of the bus, which they ran over.

"Oh my God, Sky are you okay?" I said while getting off of her and wiping her bangs from her face. I saw blood on the concrete and sucked in a giant breath of air.

"Okay don't panic, Lil. She's all right, she's all right. She's just-" I looked back at her. "BLEEDING ALL HER BRAINS OUT! SKY, PLEASE WAKE UP!"

I heard a door open. "Did we just hit someone?" I heard a british guy's voice. Oh he was going to have hell to fucking pay.

I stood up when I saw him turn the corner of the bus to look. "YEAH! YOUR SORRY ASS NEARLY RAN MY BEST FRIEND OVER!" I walked up to the stranger and put a finger in the middle of his chest. "You are so fucking lucky I saved her or you would've had to go through hell."

I heard another boys british voice. More? What? "Louis, what's going on out there?" The other one asked. "We almost ran someone over!" He answered back. "WHAT!?" I heard more than one voice yell.

I saw four other guys turn the corner and run to where we were standing and where Sky was lying down.

Cars behind the bus were honking and I heard people yelling for us to move out of the way. "OH SHUT UP YOU PRICKS!" I yelled at them.

The one called Louis was looking at me and Sky worriedly. "Okay please don't sue us, it was an honest mistake. Wait why are we apologizing? She's the one that ran out in the middle of the street!" He took my hand away from his chest and looked down at her.

"It was clear for her to go across, you were going to fast!" I yelled at him. The other guys backed up a step. Wimps.

"Okay, how about this, you said she was your best friend so you should know where she lives. We take her home and take care if her for a few hours then be on our way? Deal?" He said looking at me. God his eyes were gorgeous. Wait what? Not time for this Lil!

"Okay fine. I'm okay with that but I don't know what Sky will do when she wakes up and sees five guys in her house." I said while walking towards her.

"Let's hope she doesn't try and sue us." Said the one with the blonde hair that was obviously dyed. I know dye when I see it, now that I know Sky.

"Help me get her up." I said while putting up her head to see how bad her wound was. "Ok her skull isn't cracked, it's just a deep cut where the bloods coming from."

The guys came and hauled her up onto their massive bus. They set her down on a bed, that looks like it wasn't used.

Whoa, are these guys rich or something? This place is sick.

"Hey, why is this bus so big? Are you guys going somewhere?" I asked while I got some bandages for her head. I sat down and started to wrap them around her head when Louis started talking from the drivers seat.

"You don't know who we are?" He said surprised. Like I was supposed to know.

"Should I?" I asked, hearing gasps from the other four. Whoa, is it that big a deal??

"Haha, it just seems like you would know." Said the one with the curly hair.

"We're One Direction." Said Louis. I dropped the bandages and stared at them.



You likey? Me likey, hehe. My friend was yelling at me to update this so here you are! Onlyyyyyy *checks imaginary watch on wrist* however long until the new year which I will spend procrastinating and not doing productive things again! Woo! Procrastinators unite! *attempts to jump into air and fist pump* ugh i'm to lazy to do all that excitement. I'm gonna go eat cheese now and play with my dog! Bye Bye!! ✌️

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