
Paul had not had much luck getting to sleep. Finally, he had dozed off about five in the morning. Around seven, he was wide awake. His mom was making breakfast for him already, so he poured a cup of coffee and sat at the table.

“How’d you sleep, son?”

Paul chuckled, “I didn’t! We have so many variables to figure out. My mind raced all night. I think I may have had a two hour nap. I am still a little worried that she may not be quite ready to leave the hospital. I have to admit, I’m a little, okay, a lot, nervous.”

“You’ll be just fine. Your Grandmother would be so happy and very proud of you.”

“Thanks, Mom. I know it. I miss her something terrible right now. She would’ve adored Amanda. They probably would have been fast friends.”

“I’m sure of it. We’d better get ready. Your bride is waiting.” Lorraine laughed and wiped a tear at the same time before hugging her son.


The friends from both the Semper Fi and Sight Unseen arrived at the hospital. The guys went on to the Chapel and the ladies went to check on Amanda.

Cammie was spraying her hair, which was upswept in a French twist with curls coming from the top. She had already dressed and affixed all of the different jewelry pieces she’d received. The brooch was on her left lapel. The dog tags were woven into the flowers as was her grandmother’s locket. She had already donned the jewelry Paul had given her and placed the engagement ring on her right hand to make room for the wedding band.

The ladies gushed, oohed and aahed as Cammie put the veil on over Amanda’s hair.

Judy, who stood by just glowing, looked at her daughter. “You look absolutely beautiful, dear. I’m so happy for you.” Amanda hugged her mom while choking a back a sob, thankful that she wasn’t wearing too much make-up. She was very adamant about not wanting mascara: this ensured that if she cried, and she was sure that she would, she wouldn’t look like a raccoon. “Are you ready? It’s almost time to go down to the chapel.”

Amanda suddenly had to sit down, feeling a bit dizzy. She started fanning herself. Renee and Terry had the same thought at the same time. Renee went for water while Terry found a paper to fan Amanda, who put her head down between her knees until the dizziness subsided.

“I’m okay.” Amanda volunteered before anyone could ask. “I just need a moment and it will stop. I don’t know what happened.”

“Sount ta me like ya got da weddin’ day jittahs,” Lola said, giving voice to what almost everyone else was thinking.

“Just feeling a little lightheaded; I’m sure I will be fine in a moment or two.”


Ten minutes later, Amanda was ready to go down to the Chapel.

Finally, everyone was there and waiting for the ceremony to begin.

On cue with the music, Fr. Duncan, Paul and Leroy walked in, followed by Natasha.

With Joe on her left and Max on her right, Amanda started down the small aisle.

She reached the front in a few short moments, and both escorts gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Paul reached his hand out to her and offered his arm. “Thank you, my knight in shining armor. You look dashing, my love, positively dashing.”

“And you my sweet, are ravishingly beautiful and taking my breath away.” She smiled as they walked together to the altar in the little hospital Chapel.

After Shock (#2 - Semper Fi Series)Where stories live. Discover now