Chapter 2 - Chan's downfall

Start from the beginning

She took the same seat as she had done before and waited for Bo Ra to arrive. Na Ri decided she would give her friendship with Bo Ra a chance since she planned on living with her dad till she goes to university, unlike when she lived with her mum and they constantly moved. Her mum had a job writing articles for a fashion magazine which required her to move frequently and her dad had moved out three years ago but once they announced their divorce Na Ri had decided now was her chance to actually make friends in a permanent area.

Bo Ra's smiling face entered the classroom followed by the sound of the bell and a crowd of chatting students who all shot a friendly smile Na Ri's way. She returned the gesture before noticing the glares the students then carried. She followed their harsh looks only to land on Chan who was scribbling on his hand with a blue pen, not looking in the least bit bothered by his classmates unfriendly manner.

'Maybe he doesn't notice.' She thought to herself. Little did she know that he really did notice and that he could never bring himself to glare back at them. He dug the pen hard into his skin to distract him from their unwelcoming glares that never failed to make him feel unwanted and irrelevant. Sometimes, Chan simply didn't care what others thought, but today he did. For once he just wanted them to smile his way or even to just act as though he wasn't there, anything except for those glares that he had grown so used to, yet no matter how used to them he got it never stopped the ache in his chest as he thought back to how life used to be.

He only noticed the blood dripping from his palm once Mrs. Lee called Na Ri's name. She replied with a simple 'here' causing a few male students to smile across the room at her in adoration. Chan rolled his eyes, annoyed at the typical behaviour of his past friends. Of course they have already developed an interest in the new girl.

Once the bell rang all the students left the room and headed to classes except for him. He felt the sudden urge to just leave school. He really wasn't in the mood to pretend to listen to Mr. Yang teach about world history and its importance in today's world. He headed outside to jump the wall, being careful to avoid CCTV which had got him busted twice before. He hopped over the wall and made his break for freedom, not aware that he was being watched.

"Where could he possibly be going?" Bo Ra wondered. "Maybe he feels sick and needs to go home?" Na Ri conceded. "He feels sick yet he jumps the wall? Does that even make sense?" Bo Ra teased with a giggle causing Na Ri to blush in embarrassment. "C'mon, let's head to class." Bo Ra suggested while tugging Na Ri's hand behind her, pulling her back into the school.

"You're back!" Kang Dae announced with a raised eyebrow, clearly surprised to see Chan approach the group of boys all leaning against the wall outside the convenience store. The remaining five boys smirked, sending chills down Chan's spine. He knew they were trouble but he couldn't go home and listen to his mother ranting about his sudden departure from school all over again.

Chan nodded as Jaeyoung wrapped an arm around his shoulder, pulling him closer to the group. Chan began to regret coming to them once he smelled the stale scent of cigarettes and alcohol mixed together. He crinkled his nose in disgust as the boys eyed him warily.

"Something we can help you with?" Minjae questioned the anxious boy. Chan was suddenly speechless. He didn't know what to say since last time their conversation didn't end on a high note. "I was just passing through." He lied causing all six boys to laugh.

"You expect us to believe that, Chan?Don't you know us at all?" Sungjin teased. "Have you thought about our offer?" Kang Dae eyed him expectantly. "I have no interest in re-joining your group." Chan lied again. He was very interested in teaming up again but he saw the worry he put his parent's through when he'd come home late smelling of all sorts of mischief and often covered in blood stains from falling over as he'd run from the police.

The boys shot each other amused looks as Jaeyoung unwrapped his arm from Chan's shoulder and instead used it to grab Chan's shirt roughly, pulling him closer to his face before letting go with force, causing Chan to stumble backwards and fall. A chorus of laughter sounded around the stunned boy before he shot up and stormed towards Jaeyoung, fists clenched and ready to go.

He was about to swing when suddenly he was grabbed from behind, his two arms being pulled behind his body and held. "We ain't looking for no trouble, Channie!" Minjae warned the blonde boy who was trying to ignore the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

Chan gritted his teeth together in defeat before sighing and unclenching his fists. "Sorry." He murmured, hanging his head low. Controlling his temper had always been his downfall.

Minjae let go of his grip on Chan and patted his back. "No need to be sorry. No hard feelings! In fact, how about we all hang out together tonight, y'know, just like old times." Kang Dae suggested. Chan tensed as memories of said 'old times' coursed through his mind. Those drunken nights of never ending parties and countless petty crimes that had nearly landed him a place in a holding cell one too many times. He shook the thoughts of the past away and weighed the pros and cons of just doing a runner.

"Taking your silence as a yeah!" Kang Dae grinned as he flung his arm around Chan's neck, pulling him away from the scene and off down the street, followed by his five friends. Chan didn't know what he'd got himself into but there was no backing out now. This was it, this was the continuation of Chan's downfall.

This one's a bit longer since I'm babysitting and suuuuper bored. Thanks to anyone checking this out! Gif is Na Ri on the roof with Chan.

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