Chapter Ten

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What the hell was he doing? She thought watching Jax saunter around Hunter with a knife clutched tightly in his right hand. She had absolutely no idea what was going through his mind right now which made her a little nervous for Hunter's sake. Hunter cast her a worried glance, he was shaking and she wanted to help but Jax was right, he needed to learn.

"Come on Hunter, show me what you got" Jax challenged but Hunter made no move; just stared.

"I don't want to fight you" he sniffled nervously.

"I'm not giving you a choice".

Jax lunged at Hunter swinging the knife wildly at his chest. The knife sliced through the air missing Hunter by a few inches as he ducked down to the ground. The knife slipped from his fingers but he managed to grasp it quickly as Jax lunged at him again this time furiously. Hunter narrowly missed the knife again as he stumbled to regain his balance.

"Fight!" Jax yelled.

"Jax stop!" Raven yelled; this fight wasn't helping him, he was frightened out of his mind.

"Hold her back!" Jax snarled twisting the knife so that he was clutching it by the tip and with the handle he slammed it into Hunter's cheek making him cry out as he hit the ground, clutching his cheek, the knife slipped from his hand. From where she stood gasping, she could see a cut forming from the impact and blood beginning to drip.

"Hunter!" She screamed rushing to his side only to be yanked backwards by heavy meaty hands as they wrapped around her waist.

"Get the fuck off me Billy!" she snarled thrashing in his grip like a crazed animal.

Hunter held his swollen bleeding cheek, weakly trying to reach the knife that lay ahead of him. He didn't have time to dodge the foot that launched into his ribs causing him to flip onto his back. Jax didn't waste anytime kicking him repeatedly in the same spot. From where Raven stood she recognized the painful sound of ribs cracking from the brutal kicks.

She watched his frantic blood stained hands scramble through the dirt, trying to crawl away from the attack and towards the knife which was only mere inches away from him. Jax yanked his hair roughly pulling him to his feet where Hunter quickly grabbed the knife. Once again the handle of the knife was thrust into his face again and again; each hit more excruciating then the last. Blood oozed down from the many tiny cuts forming on his dirty tan face.

"Fight me!" Jax screamed in face. Hunter winced weakly, the knife still held in his bloody fingers. In a swift motion he thrust the knife into Jax's hand which sent him crashing to the ground. Jax groaned ripping the knife from his hand, he stood over Hunter as his eyes filled with unhidden rage. With the knife Hunter stabbed him with he held it up and thrust it into Hunters shoulder. His blood wrenched scream pierced their ears sending her to a wild frenzy.

"No" she screamed snapping her head back into Billy's nose. He stumbled backwards releasing her as she ran to Hunter.

Jax was on top of Hunter punching him until he was spitting up blood. Hunter was sobbing and pleading through his blood filled coughs for him to stop.

"Get the fuck off him Jax!" Raven tackled Jax sending them twirling into the dirt. She climbed on top of him and delivered a powerful punch to his nose. She wanted to continue pounding his face in until she heard Hunter mumble something. Hurrying over to him, she cradled his bruised bloody face, gasping silently at the damage Jax had caused. Hunter was covered in his own blood with mixed purplish bruises, dirt clung to his entire body. Her fingers drifted down his body to his side where she could feel the crack in his ribs.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2014 ⏰

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