Chapter Eight

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"You hungry Hunter cause I'm starving"

He shrank away from it but Billy caught him, forced him on the blood covered floor and shoved a piece of flesh into his mouth.


He groaned through the hot flesh searing his tastebuds and filling his mouth with the rancid taste of blood. He tried with all his strength to spit it out but some made its way down his throat. Billy laughed and forced more down his throat and Hunter screamed shoving him away then getting to his knees to vomit again. The vomit burned the inside of his throat as he spewed the contents of his stomach uncontrollably onto the floor. It felt as if time were slowing down and he could no longer hear the sounds of Billy or Jax; the only sound he could hear was the faint beating of his heart.

His chest heaved heavily, his breath was ragged and his throat burned until there was nothing left in his stomach. He could taste it in his mouth, on his tongue and it made him cough. The cough started out faint but became much worse until there was blood dripping from his mouth. He tried to shield his mouth with the back of his hand but at the sight of his own blood, the cough grew even worse.

"Billy what the fuck did you do?" Jax yelled buckling up his pants as he hurried over to help Hunter. When his hands, hands covered in blood touched Hunter's shoulder he went into a frenzy.

"Get away from me!" he screamed knocking away Jax's hand before getting to his feet and shoving Billy out out of his way with a strength that surprised him and sent Billy crashing to the floor into the puddle of blood. He tried to speed pass Jax but his hand caught him around the neck and held him in a tight grip.

"Hunter calm down!" he told him aggressively.

"Get off me!" he snapped thrusting his head backwards into Jax's who immediately let him go and held his nose in anger.

"Fuck!" Jax snarled clutching his nose which wasn't broken thankfully but sent him into a frenzy as he tried to control Hunter.

"Billy grab the tape" he ordered as he tackled Hunter to the ground. He twisted, kicked and screamed trying to claw his way out of Jax's grip like a caged animal. Billy came over to them with the tape and began tying Hunters arms and legs then finally his mouth.

Everything that happened earlier replayed in his head like a movie he was forced to relieve over and over again. The screams echoed in his ears, he could still smell the stench of blood, and he could taste the iron and vomit mixed in his mouth. He was shivering as he hugged his knees to his chest for comfort and protection. He was no longer in the shack with the bodies but it felt like it. He didn't know where they had placed him now but as he sat there in the corner chained to the walls like an animal trapped he didn't care. He just wanted to go home, wake up in bed to find out this as a only a dream but he knew deep within his heart that everything that happened was real.

His face was a mask that held no expression and his thoughts were now tainted with the images of rape, murder and cannibalism. His clothes and hair were soaked in the blood of the two girls making him shiver even more.He couldn't understand why this had happened to him, he had never done anything to deserve the things he had seen even when he tried to calm his nerves Jax's words resonated in his mind.

"Raven said she wanted you to become the perfect killer like us.....but maybe she was wrong. Maybe you can't be like us and if you can't then there's no use for you".

When Raven popped into his mind, he shivered in fear and hugged his knees closer to his chest. He feared her now just the mention of her name and knowing what she was capable of and what her family was capable made him want to shrink back into the corner until he disappeared into the darkness. They were monsters and that meant she was one too; he pleaded with his mind for it not to be true but he knew it was. Raven Carnell was a serial killer.

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