Chapter One

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"Raven come"her fathers voice urged her roughly. She was hesitant not knowing what was happening or why everyone was staring at her. Her eyes darted in the direction of her mother who motioned her to follow father. They were all in the basement yet something was wrong she noted walking down the creaky stairs. There was a squirming she could hear but it wasn't clear until she rounded a corner and on a decayed mattress was a woman naked and bound. Jax was standing above the woman but as soon as she whimpered his attention was focused entirely on her.

"Jax" her tiny voice whimpered frightened.

"Father I change my mind I can't do this with Rave watching it's not right" Jax said running a hand through his hair.

"You will do it cause she needs this she needs to see this so do it!" Father yelled and she jumped afraid. What we're they talking about? What was Jax going to do to the woman?

"Father she's only six I'm not even sure she's aware of what's going to happen" Jax argued angrily.

Father sighed angrily span her around and growled "Raven Jax is about to rape that woman there and you need to see this" he span her around to face Jax and the woman and yelled


Raven was scared out of her mind and confused when Jax began to undress and kneel down in front of the woman. He did something and the woman screamed as they moved together. Raven stood horrified holding her chubby fingers to her face to cover her eyes; she didn't want to watch anymore she wanted to go back to her room.

"Watch Raven!" Father roared.

"No" she cried out but he easily ripped her hands away and forced her to watch. It as the first time she learned what the word rape was as she watched Jax raped this woman over and over.......

Ravens eyes slowly opened only to face her ceiling: it was only a dream a distant memory she wouldn't ever forget. It was the first time she had seen a rape but it wasn't the last. Seeing it now was nothing to her; she didn't care who raped the girl or how she cried out for help her only concern was planning for the next kill.

Sighing heavily she got up from the bed, walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Everyone was probably still sleeping so she would make herself something to eat. She strode over to the fridge; coming face to face with severed wrapped up body parts. There were some left over parts from the last kill. From where she stood she could see large bite marks into the flesh of an arm which made her laugh. She guessed Billy didn't want to wait like everyone else.

"Raven what are you doing?" Her mother asked as she bounded the stairs in a bright yellow sundress.

"You sit and I'll get you some breakfast" Raven skilled happily giving her mother a tiny peck on the cheek before taking a seat at the kitchen counter.

"Where's Jax and Dad?"she asked.

"Still in the basement with the girl they spent the night down there with her" mother said preparing a delicious breakfast on the stove. As she waited patiently for breakfast her eyes continually flickered toward the basement door. She was just curious of what was going on down there. She knew they were probably finishing up and would be joining them for breakfast any minute.

"Billy still asleep?"

"Yeah he are some of the left over parts in the fridge and out was out in an instant" mother laughed and Raven joined in; they always did this the talks they had it was nice. After a few more minutes she laid down plates of biscuits, sausages, eggs and grits on the table. Raven dug in while her mother sat across from her buttering a biscuit.

"Are you ready for tonight?" She asks and Raven nodded. Tonight was Hunting night; the best night for a good kill.

"I was wondering" her mother asked softly "If you could bring a live man home for me. Jax always brings girls but its been awhile since I heard the screams from a male and it would be embarrassing for me to ask Jax so could you"

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