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Raven Carnell is a beautiful psychopathic murder with a fetish for killing any one that crosses her path.

The Carnell family is a sadistic bunch of murders, rapists and cannibals that are responsible for the disappearances of dozen people.

Soon Raven Carnell meets a man who she's willing to keep.




The pitch black night sky overshadowed the vacant gas station where the rusted lights flickered on and off. Inside were two female coworkers laughing and talking as the sorted the money and waited for more customers. This gas station was almost always empty a few people barely came and when they did they never stayed long. Raven Carnell approached the gas station with a calm sensual walk as found a comfy place on the wall to lean on. The wall was withered dabbed with dark moss on the sides. She stood there for a minute unmoved by the flickering lights then pulled out a cigarette from her pocket. She twirled it between long pale slender fingers but didn't light it.

With watchful eyes she noticed a truck pulling up for gas. The windows were tented but she could tell the driver was a male. He exited the truck, tugged on his baseball hat then proceeded to feel up for gas. He was probably in his thirties, his beard was shaggy and his body was on the heavy side. His skin was flushed tan and his hair was thick and sticking out under the cap. He wasn't much for the eyes but he would do for what she had planned. He turned towards her and his eyes widen lustfully. He licked his dry lips turning back to his truck but continued to glance in her direction without hesitation; she saw him watching her but she didn't care. Of course he found her attractive she was beyond beautiful.

A slim muscled physique with irresistible pale skin with sparkling green eyes to match. Her hair was straight black and short. Her breasts were a nice size to match her curvy ass. She was the definition of the word beautiful except she was different.

The trucker continued to glance at her with longing in his eyes, he grabbed at his crotch and gave it a lustful squeeze in her direction. She turned her head scoffing in the other direction she was only eighteen. After a few more minutes at squeezing at his crotch he summoned up the courage and strode over to her. She adjusted her stance so she was propped up on the wall when he came to stand over her. He reeked of cheap cologne and the stench of alcohol. Ignoring the need to gag she asked in her lost seductive voice.

"Got a light there big boy?" She waved the cigarette causally across his face. He smiled wide an with a deep laugh pulled out the most beautiful lighter she had ever seen. It was a shiny silver with the initials J.B scrawled elegantly in cursive on the side. He lit her cigarette, tucked it back in the pocket of his blue jeans and prepped his arm above her head. She took a much needed drag, blew out the smoke with a calm sigh then smiled tentatively up at him.

"Beautiful women like you shouldn't smoke its bad for ya" his accent was deep and southern as he began to chuckle. Her first instinct was to tell him to fuck off and shove the cigarette so far up his ass that he would need a doctor to pull it out but she remained calm smiling once more.

"I like doing bad things" she whispered "All kinds of bad things" she hinted with a teasing lick of her lips. He swallowed before wrapping a hand around her slim waist then yanking her forward. She gasped innocently wrapping her free hand around his hairy neck while she dangled the cigarette in her other hand. Slowly he leaned in to kiss her plump lips, she moaned with every inch he got closer. She gripped the cigarette then plunged it in his left cheek. He yelled loudly when the cigarette touched his face creating a loud sizzle and the scent of burnt flesh. She pulled the cigarette away only to stab him in his right eye . He yanked away from her horrified and she took the opportunity to shove him to the ground. He fell with a loud thud to the ground screaming in agony still holding his eye. She gasped happily straddling his waist.

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