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"These are my streets, the only life I've ever known

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"These are my streets, the only life I've ever known."
-Bon Jovi, Who Says You Can't Go Home

Adrien P.O.V.

The limo driver pulled away as I exited the car. My eyes traveled up the familiar winding hill that lead to my previous home. I had specifically asked to be dropped off at the bottom, as to not alert my family and to make it a surprise. They had no idea I was coming home today.

Thankfully, I had put on my converse, a large navy-blue hoodie, ripped jeans, and my hair was in a high ponytail. If I had worn anything else, the odd amount of sweat I was producing would've drowned me. I'm not one for exercise, it's exhausting.

The sun gleamed off of my necklace... a simple white string with a silver ring hung from it. With a quick gasp, I tucked the object back underneath my hoodie. Leo had given me this ring when he had asked to be my boyfriend. It was too sweet of a present and held so many memories, I couldn't just get rid of it.

I sighed and looked around; all of the houses looked exactly the same as they once did. The trees swayed under the slight wind and the cracked street hadn't been repaved in decades. I could remember following the water when it rained, like little channels bringing it to the ants and other small creatures. A smile was brought to my face as I saw the neighborhood cat, Madame, trotting into another person's yard, scavenging for food.

I was almost at my house until I saw a familiar set of children in the road. A freckled boy, 17, was being chased by an 11-year-old boy and a 5-year-old girl. The car of the 19 year old, now 21, was nowhere to be seen in their driveway.

My face lit up and I sped up walking. Did he forget about me? Was I just another sad memory in this boy's past? We had shared so much it would break my heart if he had forgotten.

Entangled in my mind, I hadn't realized I had stopped in the middle of the road. The little girl halted from chasing her brother and stared right at me, smile forming on her tiny, pink lips. The boys were so caught up in their game they hadn't noticed.

She ran over to me and I swooped her up into my arms. Her small giggles filled the air and I swung her around.

"ADRIEN!" She screeched, laughter brighter than before.

The oldest boy stopped, "Ellie, I told you not to say that name."

He turned to face her and his angry glare faded to something more vulnerable. I placed Ellie on the ground and smiled lightly.

"Hey, Jace." I choked out.

He ran over to me, still taller as he was 2 years ago, and engulfed me in a hug. I allowed tears to slip from my brown eyes as I buried my face in the crook of his neck.

Emerald Heart {Leonardo DiCaprio} {Book 2}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu