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If we never loved and stay friends
Will we stick together till the end?
If we never confessed what we feel
Can we consider what we have is real?

Its been so long and time has past
Up to this day I though our love would last
But that love that we once have
Is no more than an illusion of the past

We were once close and inseperable
But now being near you makes me uncomfortable
Thinking about these things devastates me
For these things only brings pain and agony

The sweetness we once have became bitter
The once believed everlasting love begins to wither
Fairytales don't happen exactly as they're told
The warm love we had is now freezing cold

— Drew Senpai

AN: Credits to my friend. He poured all of his emotions in this poem. ( That's what he said. ) HAHAHAHA

Published: January 28, 2018

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