Christmast Card-19-

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Christmas in the Malfoy Manor is always the same for the last few years. Pureblood party.

Scorpius always hated the party and always wondered why on earth would his father threw it. He likes it better when it's only his family, even though he assume he only have his father and grandparents. A dinner with them would be better, perhaps.

His father, Draco truly liked Christmas with family only. But it became harder and harder ever since his wife, Astoria passed away. He doesn't know what to do to make Scorpius happy and so he threw a party. And a lot of people came. A lot of pureblood families.

The Malfoy Manor is more crowded than ever. The chandelier hanging nicely above Scorpius, and all of the other purebloods. People are drinking wine, and talking, and yet, Scorpius can't say anything. This one girl in front of him are talking to him, and he can't seem to listen to any of the words she said.

"Are you listening?" The girl repeated, eyebrows raised.

Scorpius just looks around the room. The tie around his neck feels very uncomfortable. He wanted to get out.

"I'm sorry, excuse me.." Scorpius pushed his way through the crowds, towards the door, leaving the girl confused.

Draco saw him trying to get out of the room, that he stopped talking. He wondered where did he go wrong. Draco wanted Scorpius to have a good Christmas, But he just doesn't know what to do or what to say.

He followed Scorpius out of the room, but Scorpius was gone. Out of sight. For a minute, Draco didn't move. He's thinking, 'what would Astoria do?'. Astoria would go to his room and talk to him. But he's not Astoria. He's not good at talking.

So he turns around and walked off, with Astoria still in his mind.


This is the first time Scorpius left the Christmas party. He always wanted to get out, ever since the first party. But, he thought that his father would appreciate it if he stayed. And so he did, for many years.

But this year, he had enough.

Scorpius closed the door to his room and lean on his back. He brushed his hair back, making it messy and removed the tie on his neck.

Scorpius breaths heavily from the running, and closed his eyes. As much as he loved his father, he wanted this to be over.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Y/N gift still wrapped neatly on his bed. Scorpius sat on his bed and ripped off the the yellow wrappings.

It was a box with a note in front of it that says

 'Merry Christmas! I found out where those girls bought the chocolate, can you believe it? Turns out it's rare, that there's only one box left at the shop. And so i decided it would be a good Christmas present. (Although i may or may not take one of them.) Just one though i swear! Have a good holiday! -Y/N'

Scorpius smiled as he read the note over and over again. Good thing he didn't open his present on the train. Albus would snatched it off completely.

Scorpius opened the box carefully,  and right in the middle there's a blank spot where one of the chocolate should be. He eats one of the chocolate, still smiling. It taste just like how he remembered it. Like that day, under the tree.


Albus locked himself up on his room, reading the book Y/N gave him. He always reads it carefully. He doesn't want James to tease him on finally becoming a nerd, even though he's reading about Quidditch.

He's about to turn on the next page when a note falls out from between the pages. Albus doesn't read it right away, he smelled it first. It smelled like chocolate.

When he opened it, he saw Y/N terrible handwriting and laughed to himself as he begins to read, ' Merry Christmas, Potter. You're finally reading a book, aren't you? Oh i wished i could see you read. Hope you change your mind about Quidditch next year, and take the position as a seeker. I would love to see you reach for the snitch. Have a wonderful holiday. -Y/N'

Albus always wanted to be a seeker. Reaching for the snitch like his dad used to do. But the thing is, he was to scared to. He wasn't put in Gryffindor for a reason.

Every now and then he imagined himself reaching for the snitch and how the crowd goes wild, screaming his name. And, Y/N  wrote on her cheeks the letter 'A' and 'L'. Oh, how he wanted that to happen. 

Albus Potter X Reader X Scorpius ; He's A SeekerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora