Compromise -2-

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These days, when Fiel was busy, Y/N spend most of her time reading. And to her defense, she wasn't a loner. Sometimes she reads alone, sometimes she reads and study with her other friends.

Y/N came to the library daily and at the exact same time, and every time she goes to the library she met the same kind of people over and over again. So eventually they get to know each other, and well, read together.

Rose, Dric, and Jyn is in their fifth year. Bert is in his sixth year, and Y/N is the only fourth year around.

A few days had passed since the encounter with Albus Potter, and Y/N tried her best not to come to the spot again, although she knew she had to at some point. She restrained herself enough to wait a few days until Albus forget the situation, and with it, her existence.

Thus, Y/N came to the library more often than usual.

Y/N and her library friends usually came to the library between lunch, so right now they're probably somewhere else. Y/N was surprised, yet happy to find Jyn, one of her Library friends sitting alone.

She took a deep breath to steady herself before walking over to him.

It's really easy to tell that Y/N actually liked him, but somehow, no one knew about it. Except Fiel, of course.

"You're early" said Jyn, looking up from his books as Y/N took a seat across him.

"You're early too" said Y/N, giving him a smile as she opened her book.

"I'm actually always early" said Jyn, not looking up from his book.

For a moment there, Y/N froze, looking at him from behind her book. Admiring how mature he is as a person. His brown hair falls to his eyes when he reads book so seriously.

Y/N love reading, but reading with Jyn was distracting. Thankfully Jyn never notice when she's watching him. He would probably think she's a stalker.

After a few minutes of talking and reading together, Jyn left. He said he had to meet ProfessorSlughorn about the potion they were currently studying in class. For the first time today, Y/N started reading.

But, of course, something happened.

"Where's your boyfriend going?" asked a voice.

At first Y/N didn't remember the voice, but after taking a glance, she wished she just ignore it from the start. "He's not my boyfriend, Potter."

"Sure he's not." Retorted Albus with an eye roll, as he took a seat next to Y/N. Then he just sat there in silence, which bothered her for some reason. It was like he was doing it on purpose, to make her feel uncomfortable.

"What are you doing here without any books?" Y/N finally said.

"I'm glad you asked" said Albus "You see, the other day I ran up to a tree which you were sitting under, and i hid something there."

He stopped talking, and Y/N tried to stop caring, but she hated unfinished stories. Internally sighing at her own incapability to continue living without hearing the end of a story, she questioned, "So what was it?"

"I'm glad you asked again." he said smirking, very much satisfied of how he can make her talk "I hid some expensive chocolates up there. And Scorpius is threatening to hex me if I don't give them back. I spent the last half an hour escaping his wrath."

"Why didn't you just tell him where the chocolate is?"

"Cause then he won't let me eat anymore of them.  I made him run around like a headless chicken, remember? Mind you, it's the best chocolate ever made. I had a bite once, tastes like heaven"

Y/N rolled her eyes, "Why didn't you just eat it now? He'll find it sooner or later."

"I can't eat three boxes of chocolate alone!" He seems to be thinking about it "Unless..." Albus glance over to Y/N, raising his eyebrows.

"No bloody way. I would not voluntarily spend time with you. I have too much self-respect to do that. What do you think I am?" She said, sitting straight.

"Are you mad? Turning down a chance to eat a specimen of the finest chocolate brand in Europe?" Albus shakes his head "No one in their right mind would turn down this opportunity."

"I don't mind the food." Y/N said through gritted teeth . "I just mind you"

"Grouch" said Albus, frowning.

"I'm not a Grou-"

"You are. And if you aren't, you would say yes to my offer" He said bitterly.

She did skip lunch, wouldn't hurt if she ate three boxes of expensive chocolates, would it?

Y/N let out a groan, "Fine"

Albus grabbed her wrist and dragged her outside, making Y/N abandon anything she had with her at the time.

It's a pretty long walk, from the library to her spot, so it wasn't a surprise when they met Scorpius on the way. That's when Albus grabbed Y/N wrist again and ran through a crowd of people with Scorpius screaming behind them, running.

"Did we lost him?" asked Y/N as they arrived, covered in sweat.

"Yeah-- He's gone.." Y/N wasn't the best runner, she always said why should a witch run if they can fly? But now she wished she was used to running. If it wasn't for Al she would still be running.

They spent the next few hours  eating chocolate and joking around, until Y/N realize she had been skipping classes the whole time.

Albus Potter X Reader X Scorpius ; He's A SeekerWhere stories live. Discover now