Back Again-11-

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It's almost Halloween. Last year the school threw a huge party on this occasion. The great hall were full of people wearing costumes. Y/N remember threwing up a huge amount of butterbeer. Apparently Hogwarts student became more of an 'animal' each year, according to Professor McGonagall...

But this year Professor McGonagall is throwing a fancy Ball theme dance the night before Halloween. She just misses the olden days when Triwizard still exist, or she just want a calmer party before all the crazy things happen the day after.
That means the Halloween party will still be there the day after the Halloween Ball.

Fiel, Scorpius, and Albus are all busy at the moment, leaving Y/N bored to death. So she did what she would do normally when she had nothing to do, read. 

Y/N head to the library, She was rarely alone nowadays; the boys kept her company.
She's not really a surprise to find Leaubrox sitting on his usual seat. The one close to her usual seat.

She can't hide from him forever. So she might as well just sit there and read like a normal person would do.

"Morning" Y/N said as she sit down  next to him.

His head shot up as he looked at her. "I was wondering if you would ever come back"

"it's the library, of course i came back"
"That's what i thought the first time" he said loudly; too loud for library. He turn his head around to see if anyone notice before continuing, "But then i don't know, since you got an awfully great company. Not to mention two of them."

He was right, Albus and Scorpius are really a good company for Y/N.

"And you were getting very distant lately" He continued,

Y/N felt a sudden guilt. He didn't do anything wrong. Why should she be distant ? He was just being himself.

"I'm sorry" Y/N said, finally. "Now that you've said it, i was being distant on purpose for no reason. And i feel bad about it, okay? "

He let out a sigh before asking "Share a seat with me on Friday? Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin would cheer you up"

Y/N wanted to say no, afraid that the feelings she lost would come back. But she can't. At least not directly. So instead she says', "I'm rooting for slytherin, y'know? "

His expression shows that he wasn't very pleased about what she just said, but it didn't really matter since he wasn't a quidditch player.

"Then let's be the best of enemies" He shot a smile and Y/N couldn't resist to smile back.

Y/N was sure Scorpius have more friends than she does, so it's not really a problem. And Fiel would probably sit with her boyfriend, So that means there's no reason to say no.

Although she knows it's not a good idea.

Albus Potter X Reader X Scorpius ; He's A SeekerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant