Chapter Twenty-two

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It was the night after Christmas, and Mabel had decided to invite Gabe, Grenda, Pacifica, and Candy over as their own kind of "Friendsmas", as she called it. Dipper was very happy to see his friends and boyfriend, and even more happy to give them their presents. He was a little distracted by Bill being upstairs with them, though.

The former-dream demon usually wanted absolutely nothing to do with their friends, and would practically beg to be put in the basement when they showed up, but this time, he didn't. In fact, he didn't mind at all when Mabel offered to let him stay upstairs. He had been pretty quiet the entire night, despite Mabel's effort to get him involved in conversations and other activities, but he didn't seem to be in a bad mood. He actually seemed pretty content just sitting around and listening to everyone's conversations.

Bill ended up sitting behind Mabel on the floor, trying to braid her as she chatted with everyone. She had taught him a few days ago and he was still trying to perfect the skill. Dipper was paying attention and listening to Mabel, but he also found Bill equally as entertaining as the conversation. He kept glancing back between Mabel telling her story and Bill making frustrated faces as he struggled to braid her hair.

Dipper became distracted from both his forms of entertainment as the door in foyer opened. He turned his head to see Ford coming in from the cold. Dipper had almost entirely forgotten that he had left much earlier in the day to supposedly go to Fiddleford's. Dipper's mind had just convinced him that he was over at the table in the living room with Soos, Melody, Stan, and Wendy, who were busy playing cards.

Dipper opened his mouth to greet Ford, but his voice trailed off as his uncle stormed right past him, not even looking at him. He stopped right in front of Mabel, and stared at the blonde behind her.

"Bill," he simply said in a low tone. "We need to have a talk. Now."

Bill looked up at Ford with one wide eye. He shrunk down, mouth gaping open as he searched for a reply. Dipper's eyebrows furrowed together with worry before he scooted closer to Bill and softly said, "Hey, I'll come with you, if you want-"

"No, Dipper." Ford's stern voice made him flinch. "Just me and Bill."

Bill sunk down even deeper to hide behind Mabel, who seemed pretty confused about what was happening. Everyone else in the room had gone silent now and was watching the scene unfold in front of them.

"I would hope you can understand why I'm a little reluctant to be alone with just you," Bill finally replied. "I'm sure anything you can tell me you could say around at least one other person in this room, especially the kids."

Ford snorted. "I was going to try to show a little kindness and have this be a private matter, but if you are going to be like this, then it doesn't have to be."
"What the hell could be a private matter between you and me?" Bill snapped back. His fear of Ford seemed to be slowly diminishing and being replaced with annoyance instead.

"I talked to Tad," Ford replied.

Dipper felt his stomach drop. Oh no. Oh, god, no. This wasn't going to end well. Not at all.

Bill immediately jumped to his feet, nearly knocking both of the twins over. Dipper felt Gabe pull him back and away from Bill. The blonde kept a tight, protective grip on him that Dipper would've pulled out of if he wasn't so caught up in what was about to happen.

"You did what?!" Bill shrieked, his voice cracking. "Fucking- what did I tell you about talking to him?! You shouldn't listen to him; he's out of his mind! He tried to rip out my eye! He's a revenge-crazy lunatic!"

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