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All at once, memories and thoughts swirled back to him. The general feeling of life was being restored inside him, and it was a new, overwhelming feeling. He tried to fight it back at first, but eventually realized that there was nothing he could do to stop it. It wasn't necessarily a bad feeling, but it wasn't a good one either. It was just sudden and powerful.

Eventually, his last memory arrived and he focused on it. He was in a burning room... in someone's mind. Stanford's? No, Stanley's . That was right. Fez and his family had tricked and defeated him... so, why was he alive again?

Bill's eyes slowly opened. It took him a moment to adjust to the ability to see again, but once he did, he slowly took in his surroundings. He was in the middle of a small clearing in the woods. It was day, and it was very quiet... peaceful, even. The dream demon simply sat there for a moment. He glanced around at everything, just staring at it. He wasn't sure how long he had been dead, or dormant, he guessed, but it sure felt weird being alive after all that time.

"My, my, my! Now, isn't this interesting..."

The familiar voice caused Bill to whirl around to see a man behind him. He blinked as he tried to remember him. His memories were still foggy and thought process was slow.

"Tad?" Bill whispered. Something felt off about talking, but Tad had his complete attention at the moment, so he didn't really care to investigate. "God , you look like disgusting primate."

Tad let out a low, deep chuckle. "I could say the same about you, old pal."

Bill snorted before looking down at himself, and then realized Tad was right. He was human as well.

Bill shrieked, scrambling to get away from himself, which was, of course, to no avail. He started breathing heavily. He was horrified- no, disgusted with himself. How could he be human? Out of anything he could be, why was he human ?

"What did you do to me?!" he screamed at Tad.

"You think I did this?" Tad said, smiling. He snickered. "I'm flattered that you think I could do this, but I'm not capable of something that powerful in this form..."

He then frowned, and his gaze became dark. "...Which I have you to thank for."

Bill stared at him, wheezing as he tried to regulate his breathing. He then felt something weird in his chest. Was it... fear ? No, that couldn't be right. He was Bill Cipher . He didn't feel afraid of anything or anyone, especially Tad Strange.

"You know, most people would probably say 'no hard feelings' after what you did to me," he said with a malicious grin. " But , then again, I'm not like most people, and what you did is... very hard to forgive."

" What ? What are you doing? ...No, no, get away from me. Get away ! No, no, no, no! No ! "


"Today was amazing !"

Dipper and Mabel tiredly entered their beloved attic, which would now be their bedroom once again. Their beds were covered in newly bought sheets that were their favorite colors: baby blue for Dipper and hot pink for Mabel.

Mabel dropped Waddles, who she had carried up with her, down into her bed. She then proceeded to fall down next to him and dug her face into her pillow. Dipper casually sat down on his own bed and looked over at his sister and her pig. He smiled.

"It sure was," he finally replied. "It's so good to be back. I missed everything ."

"I bet we missed you two more than you missed anything here." Stan's voice made both the twins look towards their doorway to see him and Ford suddenly there.

"And I bet we missed you two more than you missed us!" Mabel exclaimed with a big smile.

"Now, let's not turn this into a contest of who missed who more, Mabel," Ford said and chuckled. "We all missed each other and are back together now, and that's all that matters."

"Speaking of that," Dipper suddenly said. He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "We're... really sorry for, like... making you come home from investigations into anomalies across the world? We know that was kind of important thing for you guys, and we feel bad that you had to come back from that for us."

Stan and Ford looked at each other, and then laughed. Mabel and Dipper exchanged puzzled glances.

"Don't be sorry for anything, kid!" Stan told him with a grin. "You needed us! We weren't just gonna leave you hanging, especially in a situation like that ... and either way, I kinda missed this old shack."

"Let's not worry about any of that right now," Ford suggested. "I think it's best we all get some rest, especially you kids. We've all had a long day."

"Yeah, I'm pooped out!" Mabel chirped and collapsed back down on her bed. Dipper gave a tired nod of agreement.

Ford laughed. "Goodnight, you two."

"Goodnight!" the twins exclaimed in unison.

Stan and Ford turned off the lights and closed the door behind them as they left. Mabel pulled her new covers over herself and Waddles, and settled down to go to sleep.

Dipper stared at her for a moment before getting up and removing his dark blue jacket and blue-and-white hat. Wendy had just given him back his hat that day, which was the best birthday present he could've asked for. He missed the old thing.

He changed into his pajamas: his red t-shirt that he had worn that day and some plaid pajama shorts. The brunette glanced at his sister and shrugged as he realized that she was probably just going to sleep in the clothes she was already wearing. That was alright with him.

Dipper looked down at himself and held back a sigh. He hated how his shorts brought out the femininity in his legs. At least his baggy shirt still gave the illusion of him having a flat chest.

He shook those thoughts out of his head, yawned, and crawled back into bed. He let out a happy sigh as he settled in.

"I have a good feeling about the next few years... Don't you too, Mabel?" Dipper suddenly said.

"Absolutely!" she excitedly replied before letting out a tired yawn, but still keeping her enthusiasm. "Everything is going to be great and perfect !"

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