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Chapter 6

"What on Earth is wrong with you, Liam?!" Samantha's eyes began tearing up as she yelled out to Liam, "Why? Why her? What's wrong with me?"

"I..." Liam looked up to Samantha. Disappointment filled her eyes as a single tear rolled down her face. "I'm so sorry..."

"Don't say sorry! You are so fucking ignorant!" Tears rolling, she threw her arms into the air and lost all control of herself. "You are so annoying!"

Two days earlier*

"Do you think that I'm ready now?" Kyle seemed almost terrified to ask such a simple question. He only thought of the worst outcomes of this question. "I mean, what if i'm not? What if..." His sentenced trailed off as he thought of the thought of him having to train even more than he had already.

"It will be okay." Liam said reassuringly as he set his hand on Kyle's shoulder. "I promise."

Kathy came outside in a white tank top tucked into a navy blue skirt that barely reached to her knees. Her socks reached up to just below her knees and had stripes that guided Liam's eyes from her shoes to the top of her socks. His eyes continued on their journey and found a light blue jean jacket swung over her shoulder held by a single hand. Her hair was pulled back into a loose bun. It flopped to the back of her head. A clip pinned the escaped hairs to the hair tie wrapped around her hair.

"Oh no." Kyle panicked and ran behind Liam. Poorly hidden, Kyle stuck his head to the side of Liam in order to see what Kathy was doing. Her free hand lay rested on her hip and her lips rose to the side of her face and released a crooked smile.

"You're funny." She chuckled as she looked at Kyle. "You realize that I can see you, correct?" She interrogated him with a question that had an obvious answer.

"I know..." Kyle muttered before returning to his stance next to Liam.

"Did you think you could hide from her?" Liam laughed. "I mean, come on. Really?"

"Stop making fun of me, Liam." Kyle whined. "I thought she'd be too interesting in you that she'd forget about me."

"Oh, don't be silly, Kyle. I have on eye on you, and one on Liam," Kathy giggled, "but in all seriousness, I can see everywhere and everyone at once. It's my semblance."

"What about being able to tell special abilities?" Kyle teased. "I thought you said everyone besides Liam has only one."

"I know everybody's semblance because I can see everyone. At any time." Kathy replied back annoyed, clearly.

"Stop fighting children." A familiar voice echoed the empty field. "Kyle, you're annoying. You should just be able to put two and two together to figure things out. Kathy, you should just leave now. We don't need you. We never did, and Liam, You shouldn't allow someone you don't know tell you what to do. Especially when you've only known them for a couple days."

Liam turned to see Samantha. Samantha's eyes were even brighter than before. They lit up the area around them. Her hair was half resting in a bun on the top of her head, and half laying on her shoulders. She had her hands in fistd pressed againist her hips. The dark blue shorts clung onto her skin. A grey shirt hung over her torso.

"Holy crap!" Kyle turned to see Samantha standing only a few feet away. "I saw you there before you were there..." He stuttered, "And then you were, but wait, why are you back. We thought you were done with us."

"Well, I fought my fair share of monsters and realized that my missed you idiots." She looked down to her feet, "You're annoying, but You're my annoying idiots, not hers." As finger raised, Her finger run in the direction of Kathy. It felt as if she had throw a blade through her finger nail and into Kathy's head.

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