Lost in the Woods

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Chapter one

The moon glistened above their heads. Shining down on them, providing even the smallest amount of light. The trees shook as the wind blew past them. Sounds came from almost every direction, but no one could decipher where. Samantha's long ginger hair lay silently on her shoulders. She wore a maroon jacket with her hood over her head. Her light blue eyes seemed almost as if they were providing light to the dark campsite. Kyle's body remained motionless as he laid in one of the sleeping bags. His short hair, dark brown, flopped on top of his face.

Across from Samantha sat Liam. His shirt read: Hero
He had emerald green eyes. They were beautiful. His brown hair, short and curly, seemed almost as if it were swaying with the trees.
After maybe a couple of minutes, growls came from within the tall pines. Samantha and Liam quickly jolt out of their seats, provided by recently cut down logs. Turning back to back, Liam and Samantha scanned the darkness around them. Looking for any creature that might jump out to them.

Soon, a large black dog shaped creature emerged. It was as tall as the trees and had three heads. The eyes of the mysterious creature was able to provide more light than the sun had during the day. Kyle slowly began to rise from the sleeping bag. His eyes scanned the area till they reached the massive beast. In shock, no one moved. The monster took one swipe at them and then ran off into the woods. Blood followed behind it.
"Kyle! Where's Samantha?!" Liam exclaimed. In shock of the beast, they hadn't realized that while taking one big swipe, it snatched one of them. "We have to find her!"
"I'm sorry-" Kyle looked at the ground. Blood lined the forest floors. "There's nothing we can do to save her."
The world seemed to be going insane. Everything was happening so quickly. The only person who could stop any of this has probably bled out, or is dying as they stand there. They'd never be able to get to her before her death.
"Kyle-" Liam walked over to the tent and started to undo it. "we need to leave. Now."

"What about Samantha?" Kyle was hurt. His only sister was being taken away to an unknown place. He knew there was no chance of her living, but he wanted to believe. "We have to at least find where she died. We have to collect the power that was inside of her. We can't let them get to it first."
"There's nothing we can do." Liam picked up his bag and lifted it onto his shoulders. "We have to find someone else capable of the powers."
They quickly picked up everything else and began their journey out of the forest. They didn't speak much. It was mostly discussion about which direction to go in.
After what felt like walking for days, they finally reached civilization. They walked into a small town on the edge of the forest. Inside were monsters and humans. It seemed as if they were living in peace, but to any normal human, the monsters didn't exist. And to those who could see them, they were called the mentally ill or insane. They'd usually lock them up in a white room where they'd sit for hours on end. Until they either stopped seeing them or until they died.

Liam was put in there once. He was only 4 years old at the time, and he would tell everyone about his friend, Kathy, who was a fire demon. They would play all the time. His parents sent him off to fix him.
"What are we doing here? I don't think this place is big enough for a hospital?" Kyle grabbed Liam by the shoulder and looked into his eyes. Hoping for answers.

"Trust me. I've been to this hospital before." Liam looked at Kyle for nearly a second before looking back at the town's people.
"What if someone recognizes you?" Kyle ran up next to Liam as they began to walk through town. "What if they remember that you escaped and they put you back?"
"Well then." Liam stopped and turned back to Kyle. "You have to find someone to take Samantha's place."
"I'm sorry, I don't know what else to say." Liam began to walk again, "I mean- what could I do? We have to find someone in that hospital capable of what Samantha was."
"Hold on- we're risking your life to find someone to save your life?" He was in shock, "Why don't we go to another town? No one would know you there!" He exclaimed.
"It will be fine, Kyle." Liam stopped walking and looked up at the tower. Seemed like something out of a horror film.
They walked up the stairs of the building and knocked on the door. A woman who seemed at least 80 years old answered the door.
"Hello?" She stared down the boys.
"Yes," Liam answered, "we came to see someone."
"Name?" She looked at him with bloodshot eyes.
"Norma." Kyle interrupted.

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