Aura Enhancing

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Chapter 5

"Are we almost done yet?" Kyle begged as sweat dripped from his entire body almost draining him of all his hydration.

"Almost, stop whining." Kathy barked at him.

"How come this is so difficult for Kyle?" Liam turned to Kathy to avoid seeing his friend in absolute misery. "I never went through pain like that. At least, I don't remember it."

"Of course you never went through this pain." Kathy smiled as she turn to Liam. "It was a power simply given to you. In your past life you were amazing. Your powers are simply naturally given to you. As a weaker soul, Kyle needs more effort and time to improve his strengths and lower his weaknesses."

"What do you mean?" Kyle stopped what he was doing and walked over. "How do you know i was a weaker soul?"

"Oh?" Kathy looked Kyle up and down before smiling once again. "Continue working on your aura. We have found what makes you special. Once you learn defense I will teach you offense."

"We found what makes him special?" Liam turned back to Kathy

"He was over 1 mile away and not only heard our conversation but got her before we changed subjects. Either he sees into the future or has incredible hearing and super speed. I'm thinking it's the future one because most souls only have one thing special about them."

"Oh. Do you know what's special about me?" Liam asked squirmishly.

"Well, there's not just one thing that you have about you that's special. Your soul is very different from all the others. You are like a sun in a world of clouds. No one knows much about you. Even my senses don't work with you. no one has ever seen someone like you before."

Liam looked down and felt a hand rest on his shoulder. Thin fingers wrapped his collarbone and long scarlet nails hung on the end of them. Liam squeezed his eyes shut and imagined a world where everything was perfect. He was with people who seemed to be his family. He sat in front of a fire that lit up the room. He held a book in front of him. The words on the top of the pages read;

I couldn't imagine a world without him in it. He was the only person who could make me feel this way, but i knew he wasn't worth my tears. He had this way with words that made everything okay. I didn't know how to explain it. I tried to think clearly about him, but I couldn't. I could see a blur. That was it. As my sight became clouded by the thought of him, i fell to the floor. I'd never see him again. That was it. The last words... "Leave me alone"

Liam glanced up from his book and turned to the toddler sitting in the highchair at the edge of the table. The child swung its arms in the space around it, indicating its anger.


"Uh? Yes?"

A voice that was unfamiliar spoke softly and quietly, "Can you see why Sarah is so upset?"


Liam stood up and walked over to the table. Assuming the child in the chair hanging from the table was Sarah, he smiled down to her and grabbed her hand softly.

"It's gonna be okay..." Liam spoke softly to the small child and soon her anger left her.

The room heated and screams came from every direction. Liam looked up and saw the once peaceful fire now swallowing the walls from which it was once held inside of.

Snap snap snap

Liam's eyes flickered and he was pulled from his trance of 'happy'. Kathy eyes lowered and look into Liam's; it was almost as if she had been staring into the depths of his soul.

"Huh?" He came out of his trance and looked at her, "Why are you so close?"

"Really we're asking that?" She sounded like he was insane, "Your eyes turned white and you soul had no presence. How did you, do that?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Nevermind then."

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