Elder McKinley's P.O.V.

In my opinion, I'm a very chill and cool person. But Jared Kleinman is new to the school, so of course he'll not agree for a while, but one day he will. We Elders even ship our students.

We entered the school and Jareds eyes went wide. He ran ahead of us and turn to see us. "This place is amazing!" he smiled wide.

"He had the same reaction you did Jenna." I bugged her. Jenna was the first in her grade to come here.

"No I didn't." She defended herself.

"I have video proof."


"Really?" Jake laughed, "The somewhere?"

"Yes, the somewhere." She defended herself.

The rest of the day was fun, it's been months since I've been able to talk to the kids. I've been busy with everything, but school is starting up soon, and then we can relax from angry parents for the next little bit. I don't get it, these kids are juts like any other kid, but like different people then most.

It was getting late so I started start a fire in the fireplace.

"Hey Elder Mckinly." Zoe waved to me as she, Alana, and Anne walked over.

"Do you need help?" Anne asked.

"Pffffffttttttt, no." I lied.

"He does." Alana kneeled beside me. "Don't you have firestaters?"

"Yes, I'm too short to reach them." I said in defeat.

"I have a lighter, so we'll be fine." Alana gave me that smile she gives everyone when they're sad, why is this girl so good? She lit the firewood and it started to become flames.

"Why do you have a lighter?"

"No reason." Alana said as left. I wonder about her sometimes. She and Veronica always have some stuff in their pockets. 

"Hey Elder." Michael and Grover walked up behind me.

"Hello boys." I stood up and smiled at them.

"What are we doing tonight?" Michael asked.

"Songs around the campfire." 

"Please say you're not going to bring out your banjo." Grover said.

"I'm not, Zoe is going to play her guitar."

"YESH!" Grover threw his arms in the air.

"Please dont say youre going to..." Michael started.

"Anne, Percy, and I are going to do our song tonight!"

"Ugh." Michael slowly walked away following Grover to wherever he's going. What song? I don't understand those camp half blood kids. After getting some help from Veronica and Martha we got out the marshmallows, graham crackers, chocolate, and blueberries. at 8:44 everyone came out and surrounded the fire on the logs.

"Welcome to tonight's campfire. Zoe will be playing her guitar tonight." I sat down beside Christine who was happily eating blueberries.

"You guys going to?" Zoe asked someone. Then Anne, Percy, Evan, Jenna, Connor, Veronica, and Grover got up.

"Hello." Percy said once they all were in front of us. "So because Anne is going home for 3 days and then going back to Camp Half Blood for 4 days, we are going to sing the first song I learned there."

"3, 2, 1, go." Zoe nodded at the group to start.

"Why did she just throw her food into the fire?" Percy asked Jenna.

"Offering to the gods. They need to feel appreciated even though they rule all. To the gods."

"To the gods." The group mumbled.

"Oh things couldn't be worse when your parents run the universe."

then everyone joined. "Oh things couldn't be worse when your parents run the universe."

"My dad is Hermes, he messengers things, you'll know his sign by his shoes with those wings. I'd wait by the phone, but the phone never rings. Oh nooo. When your dad's a god, life can be rough. I met the guy once, and once was enough. Anne?"

"Um," Anne got in front of the group. "My  mom's Athena, she's smart and she's wise. She's sworn off gluten and she's sworn off guys. If she came to camp that'd be a surprise, oh noo."

"Oh nooo" 

"Oh, and my stepmom, she hates me, and my dad works all day, so I left home, and I ran away."

"Wait, what?" Percy asked.

"Everybody!" Jenna shouted.

"Oh things couldn't be worse when your parents run the universe." The group sang, "Oh things couldn't be worse when your parents run the universe."

"Who's next?"

"Oh!" Evan stood at the front."Okay. um, My mom's Demeter, Goddess of grain, she gets excited when it starts to rain. But planting and planting and planting's a pain, oh nooo."

"Oh nooo."

"Right? For their sixteenth birthday my friends got a car, I got a fern in some dumb mason jar!"

"OH, OH! I got this!" Grover jumped to the front of the group. "I'm a child of Pan, God of the wild, foe those who love nature they're often beguiled. Hes not really my dad, but I'm sort of his child. Oh noo."

"Oh nooo?"

"Well, he went fro a hike to explore new frontiers. And no one has seen him for thousands of years." He started crying into Annes shoulder.

"Oh things couldn't be worse when your parents run the universe.Oh things couldn't be worse when your parents run the universe."

"Connor, who's your dad?" Percy asked him.

"Oh, well, my father Kronos. Remember my lecture, he ate his children."

"Con wins!" Jenna announced.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"How about you Ronnie?"

"Oh, well," Veronica got in front. "The Goddess of love, My mom's Aphrodite. She tries to be cool, but mainly she's flighty. I'll bring hoke a boy and she's there in her nightie!"

"OH NO."

"It's so rude! I tried to seek help from even the fates, 'cause steals my mascara and all of my dates."

"Alright its Percy's turn." Jenna announced.

"Nononono, I can't sing."

"Sure you can."

"Fine." He grumbled. "My mum was named Sally, and loved scary movies, and food that was, and..."


"Oh, um. My dad is some God, that's great I guess. Did he not want me? Or not want the stress. Too  bad he's the worst, and my life is a mess, oh nooo." Everyone cheered. "I hope that he shows even a trace. 'Cause I've got some choice words to throw in his face!" Then the group got in a line to sing together.

"Oh things couldn't be worse when your parents run the universe. Oh things couldn't be worse," 

"But I don't care where our parents may be," Jenna was singing alone. "As long as you are here with me."

"We don't care where our parents my be as long as you are here with me, as long as you are here with me!" They started laughing as they sat down. The rest of the night was everyone singing group sings. When the kids went to bed I was about to set the fire out when I noticed a bottle on the shore. When I picked it up I see a note in it. 

"Thank your for taking care of him, no one could do it better McKinley. -Posiden." I whispered. "No problem." And I set out the fire.

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