Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D AU's

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Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D AU's
Mainly because there aren't really any

Agents Of Shield AU's (Mainly Because There Aren't Really Any)

Main Pairing: Mack/Fitz

( though I love the whole cast and as many of the others you can work in, I'd love- Especially May, pretty sure I've been crushing on her since like, episode 2 or 3)

Auto Repair shop AU- Fitz has Car trouble and goes to get it fixed. Mack is the mechanic and Fitz is instantly smitten, so he ends up having other 'issues' with the car just for an excuse to see Mack

Coffee Shop AU- Mainly because every fandom has to have at least one of these

High School/Collage AU – Mack is cool/athlete/really popular, Fitz is kinda a dork, but really smart, they're teamed up on a project, they both have actually had a crush on the other for a while, but thought they had no chance- Mack asks Fitz to help him with his class work as an excuse to spend more time with him ( he actually has straight A's)


**I know I said each Idea would be a separate chapter, but these just popped in my head when I realized I hardly ever see AU's for this fandom, so they aren't as thought out as the others (When some of them do I'll make them their own chapter)
And as of now I only have 3, but I can already tell I'll have a lot more

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