Introduction- Even I don't know what I'm thinking apparently

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Okay, so this is not actually a story; but it IS closer than anything I have yet (so, you know, progress, yay!)

This is a very, totally, completely random collection of half formed story ideas, plotlines, sometime's possibly even just random lines/parts of dialogue that I really like that I just cannot seem to get worked out into an actual story (and I'm not cruel enough to post something that is part way done and abandon it, I've been disappointed like that too many times to do it to someone else). I figure if I post this, maybe someone with more follow through will run with them (who knows, maybe posting like this will get me to get something worked out enough to form a complete story by myself).

I have a feeling that I will refine/add to this fairly frequently.

**Just FYI, this  part is kinda an explanation of how my mind works, this may be a bit weird and hard to follow and I'm like 90% sure at least a few people who read this may think I am slightly crazy, but oh well. If you knew me in real life you'd, well depending on how well you actually know me, know how true that is**

So, here's the thing, I seem to kinda live a lot in my head. Generally, if I'm moving (working, going for a walk, cleaning, general meaningless tasks, exc.) so is my mind. One of the most common things I do is just let my imagination wander and see where I end up- sometimes even I can't follow what lead to a certain idea- (which is a kinda scary thought in and of itself). These thoughts are almost exclusively storylines or scenes for stories. Basically, I have at least one (usually more) movie playing in my head most of my waking hours. About the only connecting theme is that it is almost exclusively Fanfiction (though I have some random original character ideas... though I don't know where they came from ether) and all slash. Other than that, yeah, it's kinda a free for all.

At any given time I have about a dozen or more storylines, plots and random lines running through my mind. I can come up with a ton of ideas, and work out really well specific scenes, but I can never seem to get them all the way fleshed out into an actual, total story. So I thought I'd post some of them here in the hopes that someone with a bit more follow through will run with them (who knows, maybe writing them out like this will get me to accidentally work one out myself).

My mind tends to wander a LOT, and randomly connect things that I doubt anyone else even would associate. I have a tendency to get really into a specific fandom for a while, then I get bored with it and my mind just kinda wanders to the next one. Sometimes, I've noticed, this leads to crossover ideas, cause some of the characters from one will just kinda show up in another and I'll switch to that for a bit, also it explains some of the really random crossovers. Like, I'll notice characters from totally different shows have the same first name, or a specific characteristic they both share, and suddenly, I'm thinking up a way to connect the two worlds.

¯ Anyways, these are all, or most, of the random storylines or plots that tend to wander through my mind. Many will be crossovers, I'm sure many will be AU's. I doubt a lot of them will make a bunch of sense outside my own head, but, well, here they are regardless.

¯ Each plot, prompt, storyline, or random dialogue that I can't get out of my head will be posted as a separate chapter.

¯ I have a feeling that I will refine/add to these/ fairly frequently. Plus, since just in the last few minutes I've been writing this I realized that Ideas/plots/scenes I haven't thought about in a year or more suddenly came back into my mind, even I may be surprised what exactly ends up here...

-If you find one you like, or want to use, just let me know, because I'd love to see how they turn out.

¯ ***Fair warning: I have nearly 30 different fandoms (many of which the source material has long since ended, a few which were just one shot kinda movies, that I just realized are now around a decade old, yikes!) and heaven only knows how many characters rattling around in my head (I'm never board at least), so when I say random, I mean even I can't always figure out where the idea came from, or how I got anywhere near that.

Okay, I think that's enough rambling and disclaimers, for now, right? onto the random plots...

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