Life Lessons for the Demigods of Camp Half-Blood

Start from the beginning

Annabeth: Ugh, dammit Jason why did you have to warn him??


Travis posted a status
Ow... I haven't even recovered from the last slap!

Connor: Ikr!? It hurt!

Annabeth: *glares* Don't make me go through this again...

Connor: Fine, fine! I know right!? Happy!?

Annabeth: Extremely

Thalia: You learned, didn't you? Not going to prank me anytime soon, are you?

Connor: *shakes head* No miss!

Thalia: *smirks* Miss... I like it


Jason posted a status
I got it! My friend just told me a slang in Australia! Hey Piper, fancy a shag?

Piper: ....


Hades: *pouts* Why does everyone use my name as a curse of some sort!?

Jason: What?

Piper: What you just said...?

Jason: Yeah... I asked if you'd want to go on a date with me...?

Piper: *shakes head* No... that's not what it means?

Jason: It doesn't? Well, what does it, then?

Piper: You just asked if...

Jason: If...?

Piper: Well, if I'd like to... You know... 

Jason: No... I don't know...

Piper: Gods, you just basically asked if I wanted to do /it/ with you! There, happy!?

Jason: .... 0.0

Piper: Yeah, now think of my reaction...

Jason: I'm so sorry...

Piper: Yeah... It's alright... Who was your friend though?

Jason: ....

Jason: STOLLS!

Travis: Oops...

Connor: Better run... again...

Travis has logged off

Connor has logged off

Percy: Told you they never learn... XD

 Jason has logged off

Piper has logged off

Percy: Hello?

Percy: ...

Percy: :( #ForeverAlone

Piper has logged on

Piper: Nah, you have Annabeth, remember?

Piper has logged off

Percy: ....

Percy: #SomewhatForeverAlone


Hades posted a status
Erg, why does everyone say What the Hades!? Why not 'What the Zeus!?' or... or 'What the Poseidon!?'


Hades: Yeah! Let's start 'What the Leo!?' And scratch that about 'What the Zeus!?' it would just boost his ego instead. 

Hades: And he'd shove it in everyone's face like the Drama Queen he is.

Zeus: EXCUSE ME!?!?

Hades: Case and point.

Zeus: *glares and thunder rumbles* I am not dramatic!

Thalia: You're just proving his point further, you know that, right?

Zeus: ...

Zeus has logged off

Hades: He knows we're right


Annabeth posted a status
WELL, We've learned some pretty valuable life lessons today, haven't we?

Connor: *nods* Yeah... Like, you should never prank Thalia by waking her up early

Travis: Or tell Jason dirty slangs in different languages in the pretense that he would be impressing Piper

Leo: Or take bets against Annabeth, because you're more than likely to lose some money.

Piper: And that Percy is somewhat forever alone

Hades: And that we should all stop using the phrase "What the Hades!?"

Thalia: Although that's never going to happen

Hades: ...

Hades: Fine. Then we all learned that Zeus is a Drama Queen

Nico: Which was already a known fact


Hades has logged off

Everyone: ...

Annabeth: Well... Another thing we learned today is that Lord Hades might... actually be giving Zeus a run for his drachmas in the drama department...

Percy: Or... he might be on his... time of the month? Yeah, I agree.
Everyone except for Hades likes this comment


(A/N): I can totally imagine Hades logging off with a huff and crossing his arms dramatically. And then like, Persephone being all like "*sighs* What's wrong Hades?" And Hades just giving her a pout and mumbling, "Bloody teenagers"


Anyway, we reached our goals! Ahhhh! And my schedule just go busier! Not as great as the previous statement!

Like, how did I manage to fit more things?? I have no idea? Like, I'm now taking art lessons and vocal lessons twice a week and I'm on the robotics team now.

Somebody pls stop me from destroying myself ty

Goals: 5K reads, 150 votes, and 753 followers
Special chapters to look forward are more awkward moments with Nico and an... interesting new development in the shipping department ;)


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