•Ex-friends till the end, better off as lovers•

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Gif #4
'Ex-friends till the end, better off as lovers'

Gif #4'Ex-friends till the end, better off as lovers'_________________________

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Frank Iero.
Gerard hates that name. And loathed the person even more.
But it wasn't always like that.
There was a time when both boys were inseparable.  Always attached to the hip. It was always Gerard and Frank. If one of them was seen the other wasn't far behind.
But suddenly things changed the boys grew up. Gerard focused on his art more and well Frank. He became someone who didn't represent the small fragile boy. Always smoking cigarettes and pushing people in the hallway. Gerard couldn't stand that. So he confronted Frank about it.
And Frank being the angsty teenager that he was he took great resentment at the taller boy. Ending their friendship just like that.
And that's how it went from freshmen year to the end of senior year Frank tried his best to make his ex-best friend's life a living hell.  Gerard didn't even bat an eye at Frank's feeble attempts to make Gerard mad, this only managed to make the small punk kid furious.
Coming back the the present, a moody Gerard walks down the mostly deserted school hallways only stragglers remain and among those is Frank and his group of "friends". He over hears a conversation as he stops by his locker to leave his art portfolio not not caring if he's late for class, because who needs calculus anyway?
"Aw come on little Frankie, i thought you left this gay shit back in eighth grade"
"I did! I swear! It just- probably fell into my bag..."
"Pft yeah sure." Then one of the guys tore the comic book in half the sound of tearing paper filled the hallways barely concealing the small whimper that left the small boy's lips as he watched the colorful pages fall to the unpolished ground.
"Let's get out of here. Come find us when you're done being a pussy Iero."
Gerard watched from the corner of his eye as the group of kids left their "friend" in shreds similar to the papers littering the floor.
Gerard had two options. One: walk away like the asshole he normally is or. Two: be a "good friend" like before.
He sighed angrily to himself as he walked the short distance to the small boy.
"What do you want" Frank mumbled angrily, as he let himself fall aggressively to the floor making a thud echo though out the hallway when his knees made impact with the floor."
"Helping out a crying midget what does it look like I'm doing?"
"Shut the fuck up Gerard! I didn't ask for you're help!"
"Yeah because it looked like you were doing fantastic on your own."
Frank didn't say anything else just mumbled something incoherent to himself.
"What was that?" Gerard asked irritated
"I said I don't need your lame ass helping me!" Frank screamed. Thankfully the hallways where empty now.
Anger flares within Gerard as he gave a dry laugh without humor. "Is this what it's all about!? You being cool? And me not being cool enough for you?" Well guess what pretty boy.  You're never gonna be cool, so stop trying. You're always gonna be the same kid from middle school who loves playing guitar as much as he loves comic books." 
And without another word from the other, Gerard sank down and helped Frank who suddenly went really quiet after the last statement.
While Gerard helped pick up the torn pages he noticed something familiar that caught his eye and he quickly reached for it- "wait no!-" frank yelled but he wasn't quick enough to take it from Gerard's hand. Gerard looked at the old paper in awe. It was a page from one of the comics he drew for Frank back in eighth grade.  The paper faded with age and permanent creases from being folded and unfolded countless times shows how fragile the paper actually is.
"Just give it back!... please." Frank whispered at the end. Gerard watched Frank's face closely as he noticed his lower lip start to tremble
"Just please-" A small sob ebbed its way up Frank's throat and small tears trails down his delicate cheeks
Gerard reacted instantly pulling his former best friend into an embrace, coaxing him to breathe and calm down.
"Gera- why did you leave me? Why did you-" Frank broke out in a wail as he buried his face into Gerard's neck
"No Frank, i never left. You did."
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I was just scared" he stuttered out. His tears making Gerard's neck feel clammy.
"Scared of what?"
"You becoming to good for me, leaving me and hurting me in the end. I'm just some dumb kid who could never compete with you. So I had to leave first. That way you couldn't hurt me..."
Gerard was shocked at the confession, all he could do was shush the smaller boy and wrap his arms around him tighter. "No Frankie I would never do that."
"I love you Gerard." Gerard froze.
"Gerard I love you. Do you love me too?" Suddenly Frank tore himself from Gerard's neck to look at him in the eyes, Frank's eyes glassy with tears making them appear like delicate hazel stained glass that could so easily shatter with as much as a gentle gust of wind.
Realization hit Gerard. Yes. He did, after all these years he still loves this adorable punk kid with the puppy like face, asshole attitude and heart of gold.
"Yes Frankie. I do love you."

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