Chapter four: Run

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Alex may or may not have spent his entire morning unpacking and cleaning up. He wasn't exactly the cleanest person when it came to his desk but everything else had to be fairly clean, but like the gentleman he was, he didn't go in John's room. If he didn't want John snooping in his room, which he didn't, he'd have to not snoop or clean in John's.

After cleaning Alex started on his daily diary entry, once that was up to date he started on a song idea that came to him on his way to America while he was reading a book about Lin Manual Miranda.

Mid way through a line, Alexander heard a knock, then the door creak open. The boy swung his head around to see John with fancy sandwich, ya know one of those 'club sandwich' ones with the toasted bread that are all delicious and fancy? Yeah one of those.

"I brought you lunch," John said placing the sandwich on a tiny blank space between hundreds of writings Alex had already unpacked and set on his desk.
"Geez you write a lot..."

"Thanks." Alex said simply continuing on a song called 'Lin Manuel Miranda'.

"Are you going to eat it?" John said as looked down at the messy ponytailed head in front of him, John was surprisingly self conscious about his cooking, most of the time more so than his looks.

"Uh Yeah later."

"Oh ok. What are you writing?" Laurens asked

"A song"


"About, Lin Manuel Miranda"

"One of the founding fathers? Wasn't he a president?"

Alexander spun on his swivel, *it was like those scenes in an anime or manga where the people is shadowed and there's a star or fire in there eyes? And they just grin like 'you're in for it now!', yeah it was like that.*

It was at that moment John knew....

He fucked up.


John lost track of time, it droned on by the time he was finally free of Alex's rants it was 6:30 and the sky had become a gorgeous gradient of colour, the open blinds made the outside cast a vibrant orange across the room.

John grabbed his sandwich that was left on the counter all that time ago.

'No point wasting it' John thought as he grabbed it and got a simple lemonade from the mini fridge.

The boy dropped his weight onto the couch making a fairly loud thud. Grabbing the laptop near him John clicked to Netflix pulling up voltron. It had been on his 'to become a fangirl of' list for a while, it was a long, long list.


Three and a half episodes in, John was bombarded by knocks at the door. As soon as he opened it. All hell broke loose, the knocking stopes but the war had just been. John battled hugs, tackles, screams, questions, shaking in excitement and shipping, god there was so much shipping!

He needed backup! Then as if on cue an angel walked out of their room yelling.

"THE HELL IS GOING ON!" Alex looked at John who was trapped in one of Hercules' death grip hugs as Angie warned him of safety precautions to take before sex, while at the same time Lafayette and Peggy took turns screaming questions at them, mainly about them being a couple.
Everyone went silent and looked at Alex.

John mouthed somethings along the lines of 'help me, please!' Or maybe it was 'help yourself, run!' He couldn't tell.

It was clear which one it was once he saw the group attacking John bound towards him, return to *'s.

John didn't even know what happened that's how fast it occurred, one minute his arms and ears were almost broken and bleeding, then suddenly he's being thrown on Alex and the group fighting over who would be on top.

In the end they decided that Alex would probably be more dominant and Hercules flipped them so John was on the floor and Alex was on his knees hovering above him. Peggy instantly started chanting, then everyone joined in.


John looked so confused but also disappointed in his friends, that's what he wanted you to think, Alexander could see the distress in his eyes.


John tensed his eyes flicking between Alex and the group, he didn't like peer pressure, they should know that. Eliza would stop this but she wasn't there for some reason.


"STOP!" Alex yelled standing, he offered a hand to John.

"KISS! KIss...?"

"Aww...But you're such a cute couple" Peggy whined

Alex looked to her, "Yeah sure, but I only know Hercules and Lafayette and even then they ditched me with a drunk male without anyway to contact them." Hercules and Lafayette looked at each other, guilty. "Then you rush in, while I'm writing, I come out and I see all of you petrifying my new roommate, now your peer pressuring us into kissing, not caring about our emotions, geez are you his friends? Or his bullies?"

"Alex calm down! your overreacting, they're always over the top, I'm fine." John laughed, pulling himself up by taking Alex's hand "Anyway introductions! That's Hercules and Lafayette but just so you know they're 'not a couple' because they're 'not gay'. That's incredibly important information"

"Hey!" They both said in an angry voice at the same time before both pouting.

"This is-"

"My name is Angelica Schuyler" The girl cut in "no body introduced you, well not in person."

"Alexander Hamilton" Alex replied for himself.

"Where's your family from?"

"Unimportant, there's a million things I haven't done but just you wait, just you wait,"

"Guys! We exist! Angelica! Get the fUCk away from John's man!" Hercules cut in.

"And John! Introduce ME and Eliza" Peggy yelled

"Uh right yeah, uh Elisa is...?"

"Why!" Peggy whisper yelled, annoyed she was always last.

"Sick," Angelica

"Lovesick~" Lafayette cooed

"She's helpless over a little man she saw in a picture~" Peggy added wiggling her eyebrows instantly bouncing back from anger until Angelica stomped on her toe.

"Ow! Fu-"

"LANGUAGE!" Hercules cut off

"Yeah Peggy! Language!" Angelica added, everyone nodded except Alex who looked confused, John and Peggy.

"Is no one going to talk about how Hercules said language when she Just sweared earlier!?"

Everyone shrugged. Peggy gave a 'notice me' cough.

"OH! And this is Peggy"

"Yep it's me... And Peggy Schuyler"


"SHUT UP JEFFERSON!" Everyone But Alex yelled back, even people in other rooms though the walls and the same room as Jefferson.

This was going to be a strange college experience...


I'm so sorry this took so long!
I don't know why it took so long!
Might have been rehearsals and Just cause 3 but this should have come out faster.

Like me.... the closet is comfy! :P

Word count: 1151

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