Chapter two: drunk

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Alexander had just met THE Aaron Burr he had straight A's and my have skipped a year or two through his education. Was a fairly big fan.

"Pardon me are you Aaron Burr, sir?" He had said tapping him on the shoulder, after a small conversation they headed to a bar on burr's request to buy him a drink. Free drink? How could Hamilton refuse!

On the way to the bar Burr's ear felt like they were going to kill themselves, god he's so loud! And he. Doesn't. Stop. Saying. Words!

As they arrived Aaron held open the door for Hamilton and walked to table. "Before I get your drink can I offer you some free advice? Talk less" burr said, Alexander just looked confused. Aaron sighed " more. Fools who run their mouths wind up dead"

At that exact moment Alexander and Aaron heard screaming and Alex thought someone had been attacked. The bald coconut head knew better. "Like I said" he mumbled.

As soon as they entered the bartender looked at the clock and leaped over the bar dodging all the glasses and landed with a light thud but almost no sound, it was honestly extremely impressive. That would be if;

1. The bartender wasn't trembling in fear so badly
2. Alex was actually paying attention to the bartender's epicness

Alex was lost listening to the rap of a god, to everyone else it sounded like childish screaming.

He knew better though, he knew the beauty of the rap about how John was meant to be in a bar and how much he could drink beer.

Alex stared at the gorgeous being in front of him looking at the mass of hair that was thrown into a ponytail, Alexander saw John look at him once his friends had finished childish screaming. Then he realised they were looking at burr.

"Give us a verse, drop some knowledge!" John called out

"...uh yeah you guys keep talking or rapping or whatever I'm just going to sit over here," and Burr left to the corner. This was his chance say something! Something smart! Come on brain be so smart! Oh gosh John said something Go now!

"If your never there for someone, burr. Who will be there for you?" Alex blurted out. It didn't make much sense but he supposed it worked. Aaron looked stressed and caught in trap by the words but before he retreated into his mind Aaron gave a look of betrayal.

Everyone looked at him silent for too long, did he say something stupid? He's not stupid but did it sound stupid?!

"Who are you" someone said sounding impressed "Alexander Hamilton" Alex said proudly. Wait would they introduce themselves he knew they did the rap but Alex only really heard John's before getting distracted.

Lucky for the small man they did
"Great to meet you all" Alex replied "are you guys in any college's?"

"Yeah, kings college." John said simply, he also seems to be staring at Alex but he shrugged it off.

"Oh? What a coincidence I'm transferring to the dorms there tomorrow, dorm room... 1776?
I think." He said as more of a question, Alex heard ooh-ing and giggling coming from Hercules and Lafayette. "What?"

"Mon ami, that's John's dorm" Alex was silent but laf and herc keep giggling like childish fangirls when their ship started sailing...not that Alex knew anything about that. "That's great I'll be close to a friend if I need help finding my way around. Anthony hotel is boring so I can't wait to get in a dorm, anyway Drinks on me"

Hercules and Lafayette nodded and cheered, Aaron left it was hard enough with sober idiots he didn't need drunk ones, John just stared at Alex practically drooling.

"So what do you say John?" Lafayette, this causes John to snap out of whatever trance he was in "w-what?"

You know the rest. You knew a lot of that. And before you yell that the fourth wall shattered. It didn't. I'm telling the story, I can add whatever sass I want. And witty remarks. I see the story. I tell it. Deal with it. I'm the narrator. Anyway back to the story skip to the beers.

Alex took a sip of one beer and slid the other to John. "So what's King College like, Roommate"
John blinked confused. "Roommate?"

"Oh were you not listening? I'm moving to dorm 1776 tomorrow, the others said that was yours?" Alex verified, john felt his face heat in embarrassment shit he hadn't been listening, "Uh yeah I... that's my dorm. It's a pretty average school I guess?" John said? I don't know how well he 'said' that but words were made.

"Oh good I was scared that it was bad... I heard it had a few drug problems but I guess every school does."

"Uh Yeah...probably...shit uh where are you transferring from? What school" John mumbled trying to further the conversation.

"Nevis, in the Caribbean, and uh no school really"

"you got into college without education? You must be so smart! ..or were you home schooled? Wait NEVIS? The island that got destroyed in a hurricane? Holy shooting peanuts! What happened? Oh sorry is that too personal? I don't want to make you uncomfortabl-" John was cut off as Alexander started speaking.

"It's ok John. Yeah, no proper education, I'm self taught and yep that island though I'd rather not talk about it" He said with a calming smile but his eyes showed a storm John instantly dropped the topic. "Another round?" John said finishing his beer.

Alex nodded "sure"


It turns out John is extremely flirty on his third beer, like the second one was slightly flirty but 3 woah. Everything that came out his mouth was a flirt, a confession of undying love or a compliment.

John was about to ask for another and Alex was honestly curious as to what would happen since alcohol never had a strong effect on him, until the quiet bartender piped up.

"OUT! Take your boyfriend and-"

"We're not-"

"My shift is over and he is stealing all my beer and his drunk so get outta this bar before I kick you out!"

"Tour voice is angle!" John slurred

"Uh ok we're going" Alex scooped John up over his shoulders and struggled out the door. Why did John have to be bigger then him!

After a few minutes of walking he realised he had no clue where John's dorm was and decided it was better to go to his before John tried to kiss him again. Ugh drunk people!

When Alex made it to his room in Anthony hotel, he practically threw John onto his couch, he walk off to get some PJs wand threw them at John. Alex walked out to get some blankets and a pillow when he came back he knocked to keep John's privacy in case he was changing.

"Come in~" came a very un-seductive slur

Alexander sighed and walked in to see John Laurens attempting a 'sexy' pose on the couch with the PJ pants on his head and the shirt as a cape. "If anyone else was here they'd think you were high not drunk..."

John pouted "am not purrrrrrrty?"

Alex sighed again "your gorgeous now just...go to sleep." John instantly passed out on request.

This took me all day. So 3 hours.
I hope you're happy!

I had fun
My hand is sore
So uh I have lotta ideas
I'll probably write more.

You guys are making me walk around the house grinning like an idiot... thanks :(

Love ya

Word count: 1232


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