Chapter one: not blind

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He had just thrown on a random dark blue hoodie and jeans and was now tying his sneakers, while his phone kept dinging trying to get his attention. John already knew who it was or rather who they were, it was his friends, Lafayette and Hercules waiting for him at the bar, quickly getting impatient with the late male.

He'd be there soon it was just down the road from his dorm anyway, the slightly tanned boy grabbed his phone and keys, shoving them into his hoodie pocket and walked out the door it automatically locking behind him. John walked down the hallway to the stairs and sped down the stairs, pulling his mass of curly hair into a ponypoof.

It was like a ponytail except it was an explosion of curls at the back, not as big as Laf's, though.

When outside John took in a deep breath of the cool autumn air, coloured leaves cracked under his feet as he calmly walked to the bar he could see his friends impatiently waiting in front of him.

"Hey guys!" He called over to them and both their head zipped to him.

"John you are so late!" Hercules complained, Laf nodded. "We almost went in without" Lafayette added.

"Yeah right! It's not a dramatic entrance without me!" John said with a smirk to his friends, they both nodded with similar smirks, "lets roll in"

"Yo yo yo yo yo! What time is it?" John yelled as he walked.

"SHOWTIME!" The trio chimed in unison. At this moment Aaron burr whispered something to a new guy, but John was too busy spitting verses to notice.

The bartender, familiar with the three, instead you looked desperately at the clock to see when his shift would end, after realising it wasn't for another hour or two, he dropped to the floor and hid behind the bar. If they didn't know he was there maybe they would leave, or just, leave him alone.

After introducing themselves to the whole bar, they noticed someone trying to hide.

"Well, if it ain't the A+ student of kings college!" Laurens teased

"Aaron Burr!" Hercules called

"Give us a verse, drop some knowledge!" John added

"...uh yeah you guys keep talking or rapping or whatever I'm just going to sit over here," and with that burr sat over there- ((Smack)) -in the corner of the bar as far away from the group as possible, or at least he tried too.

"Dude come one your ruining our fun you can't be a loner forever" John groaned at the boring partly confused partly scared creature in  front of him.

"If your never there for someone, burr. Who will be there for you?" John turned to the male that said that, Aaron looked at the guy who said that a bullet of sweat down the side of his face, Lafayette and Hercules both looked at the guy who said that.

"Who are you?" Hercules asked breaking the silence.

"Alexander Hamilton" the male said proudly.

"...well, If you didn't here before in le screaming before, I am Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, but just call me Lafayette or Laf," Lafayette said with a smile "that is Hercules mulligan and John Laurens, and I think you've met burr" he said gesturing to the confused man in a seat almost absorbed by Hamilton's words.

"Great to meet you all" Alex replied "are you guys in any college's?"

"Yeah, kings college." John said simply, he was a little distracted, ok a lot distracted, his mind was lost in Alexander's eyes they were a gorgeous chocolate brown but looked so intelligent, they seemed endless and they drew John in deeper into its depths, john was completely lost what he heard Alexander's voice.

"So what do you say John?


"Alexander is buying us drinks. Do you what one?" Hercules explains with a laugh, he knew exactly what was happening, so did Lafayette. Soon after John agreed and they had drinks, Hercules and Lafayette both grinned.

"So uh guys I'm going to the toilet, you can leave without me," Hercules said trying to get them alone, he looked at Lafayette with an expression that said 'come on'. Lafayette looked confused then spoke "oh! Uh yeah me too!"
John groaned as he was always left alone.

"Don't worry I won't ditch you unlike some people." Alex said nodding his head towards where Aaron used to be and where Laf and Herc went. "Ten bucks said they went to make out"

John was gave him a suspicious look, "you've know them for five minutes how did you know they were in denial of they're relationship, but then nobody is looking they are eating each other's face?!"

"Uh...Lucky guess?" Alex shrugged "so yes or no?"

John sighed.

"I'm going to lose, here" John just gave Alex a Miranda dollar bill. To which Alex knocked on the bar for the bartender that was still hiding to get two pints of Sam Adams. Alex took a sip of one and slid the other to John.

So John was going to be lost and blinded by beauty, but not alone.

Hey! It's ya boi Anon the QUEEN of salt and vinegar chips, I made a lams fanfic... this one is a little short but I liked the ending too much to add stuff, I promise I'll make them long sorry

Word count: 867


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