Hearing Liv's voice I grabbed my small black book bag and threw everything I needed in there.

"Nicy! Olivia's hear." I heard my little sister scream from my parents room.

"Ok I'm coming!" Putting on my white socks I ran towards the door to Place on my white and green Lacoste Fraisier BRD1 Sandals.

"Oh I like the outfit. It's cute on you." Smiling bright I threw my braids into a high bun and turned towards my mother.

"Girl what you got on, you know damn well I don't like them damn socks and sandals thing you keep doing. I told your dad don't buy them things, you ain't no damn boy." Rolling my eyes and laughing my mom hated It when I didn't dress girly but It was the weekend I dont need to dress up, I had my makeup done that counts for something.

"Ma relax it's just an outfit. But since I am here can I get some money." Rolling her eyes she snatched her purse off the counter and handed me 25 bucks.

"Get out my face." Kissing her on the cheek I went through the door yelling bye to Nani.

"We might wanna hurry up, don't wanna miss Mocks first joke of the day."

"No the first joke of the day is his life, that man pushing 35 with no kids, no wife, not even a freaking girlfriend." Shaking our heads we took a seat at the bus stop.

"That is a fact." Plugging one headphone I turned on a little Kendrick to try and wake me up a little. I wouldn't take us long to school and I was kind of anxious to hurry up and get my day over with.


After Detention was over me and Liv decided to get something to eat at our usual spot but she wanted to carry our food to the park and watch grown men play basket ball.

Liv was one of those boy crazy females who takes her time to impress the male gender in anyway she can. In my eyes she was a huge groupie but I would never say that to her face.

"Let's sit right here away from the sun. I'm black enough as It is already." Laughing at me Liv and I took a seat on a bench that covered from the sun by a big tree standing right in front of It.

"So about Tomorrow. Did you call your little friend to see if he still coming tomorrow?" Rolling my eyes Liv hated It when I made new friends and she definitely showed It too.

"I spoke to his yesterday in school and got his number so I will text him later and remind him." Shoving fries in my mouth I hadn't really noticed the boy walking up to us with sweat dripping from his face.

"Hey, umm I'm Zay and my bro over there wants to talk to you." Pointing at me I rolled my eyes, if It was one thing I hated It would be a boy to coward to speak to a female, I don't like this whole set a bro up thing and I don't think I ever will.

"Ok well Zay, if your friend wants to have a conversation with me he has to come over to me and introduce himself." Zay smacked his hand on the ball while walking away, sweat still dripping down his face.

"Girl the boy he talking to look fine as FUCK. If you do not get on that I will." Rolling my eyes Liv began to fix her self continuing to look over there while I buried my head in my food.

"Hey, sorry about my friend I didn't ask him to come over here for me, but since he did anyway hi I'm Theo don't really know if he said that yet." Theo spoke with some uncertainty in his voice but so far he was doing good, besides send his friend over here.

"Hey Theo, I'm Nicy, and this is Olivia." Waving trying to be cute I rolled my eyes at her before he turned his attention to me.

"Well Nicy I was just playing ball out there and I saw you sit down, I just wanted to tell you, that I think your really pretty and I like your style." Smiling kind of hard what ever game he was trying to play was working and I was digging I.t.

"Thank you." Plopping a fry in my mouth and asked with his hands if he could have a seat and I got up to move down not wanting to dirty my pants on this dirty bench.

"I was wondering if I could get your number?" Closing my food, I was saving the rest for Nani cause she called me earlier in the Library to tell me she was hungry.

"Ask me again if you ever see me again, ight." Chuckling a Little he shook his head.

"Ight Ms.Nicy, I hope I see you again."

"I hope so too." Getting up he went to go join the game again and I watched him more than I did that last time.

"Mm so Ms.Nicy got game." Smiling hard Liv was starring me down making me feel all giggly.

"What ever." Packing my stuff up I was ready to leave, Ive had an eventful day and I just want to spend the rest of It laying down with my sister and mom watching old movies for the rest of the day.

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