A Little Too Much

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Chapter 5

A Little Too Much -
Shawn Mendes
"So take my hand it will be alright"

(George POV)

I heard the bell ring signalling the end of school and jumped up. Yep, I fell asleep. I don't usually sleep in class but I do when I'm angry and upset. It always tires me out.

I packed up my things and went to my locker. Blake was already at our lockers when I got there.

"How was class?" He asked.

"Good. I fell asleep." I said yawning, still half asleep.

He laughed at me. "You always tire yourself out when you get upset and angry."

"Yeah I do. It's tiring you know?" I said laughing.

I heard Brent's fancy car starting. Finally, he was leaving. He'd left me alone for the rest of the day surprisingly.

"The devils gone!" Blake said to me.

I laughed as I grabbed the rest of my things out of my locker. I swung my school bag over my right shoulder.

Blake and I made our way to the bus, making light conversation. As I went to step onto the bus I heard someone call my name.


Reece's voice.

"George wait up!" He said as I turned around, seeing him running and pushing through the crowd.

"George." He said as he finally made it to me.

"Hey what's up?" I asked.

"Come with me." He said. He started again when he saw my confused look, "I overheard you say you were still angry and upset. Come with me and I'll show you where I go when I need to clear my head." He said, stretching his hand out for me to take.

I turned to Blake,

"I'll catch up with you later."

"Yeah. See ya." He said hitting me lightly on the shoulder.

I took my foot off the bus and turned to Reece, taking his hand. He smiled at me and interlaced our fingers together as we turned. I looked down at our hands and smiled. His hands really are soft. Soft and silky. I'm not sure why, but I feel like I could spend hours like this.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"You'll see." He said looking in my eyes and smirking.

I laughed a little and turned my head forward again.

We walked, hands intertwined, making small talk, for what felt like forever. It was already making me feel better and we haven't even gotten to the secret location he still won't tell me about.

"Are you ever going to tell me where we're going?" I asked, raising one eyebrow at him.

"Nope." He said, smirking again. God that smirk kills me. But why? "Just up this hill." He laughed.

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