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Chapter 55

A/N - Hey guys!! I've missed y'all! I still don't know how regularly I'm going to be updating because I'm still really busy with the unpacking and cleaning my old house etc.. Anyway, I thought I'd update cause I haven't in so long! In my little bits of spare time I've had I've been writing and editing so hopefully when I'm all settled in you'll have some good content! Sorry for this long ass AN, I'll let you read now.. Enjoy!

Grenade - Bruno Mars
"I'd catch a grenade for you, throw my hand on a blade for you, I'd jump in front of a train for you, you know I'd do anything for you. Oh, I would go through all this pain, take a bullet straight through my brain, yes, I would die for you, baby"


(Reece POV)

George and I were cuddling on the couch when my parents and Lexi got home. When are we not cuddling?

"Hey Lex! How was the party?" I asked.

"It was great! There were ponies!" She replied excited.

George pushed me off him slightly so he could sit up to talk to Lexi. He's starting to get more comfortable with me around my parents, it's good.

"That's so cool!" George said replicating Lexi's enthusiasm with a grin on his face. "Did you get to ride one?"

"Uh huh!" Lexi answered, jumping up and down.

"Hello, boys." Mum said cheerfully.

"Hi." George and I said in sync.

I looked to George and smiled.

"How was your day?" Mum asked.

"Pretty boring, but good." I replied.

Okay it wasn't boring, that part was a lie.

"What did you get up to?" Dad asked, glaring at George.

Dad can always tell when someone's lying or not telling the whole truth, but I've learnt how to lie to him over the years of hiding things.

"We napped." I said with a bit of a laugh.

"Why do you never let George speak?" Dad asked a little annoyed.

Because you don't like him and he's awkward so he'll stutter and you'll like him even less.

"George, what did you do today?" Dad asked.

"We ate breakfast, went back to sleep and watched movies." George replied without stuttering.

Where'd my awkward Smithy go?

"Oh and Blake came over for a bit." George added.

"Blake?" Dad asked.

"Best friend." I replied as I stood up.

I reached for Georges hand and took him back up to my room to escape my parents and their questions.

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