Chapter 6 - Stalling

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How's <shipname> goin?

<shipname> ??

You and Jin lolol

Pretty good


EaTEn dAd

Guud enJoy your DatE

You shook your head snickering as you left your apartment holding Jin's hand walking down the city's busy footpaths.

"Where did you want to go"Jin asked

"Wherever we end up?"You shrugged

"I needed new you mind if we go to get some now?"Jin asked

"Glasses? Awww why haven't you worn them in front of me yet?"You frowned

"I don't like them- they make me insecure"Jin shook his head

"I bet they're adorable on you~"You smiled to him as he lead you down the street

The building smelt of sanitiser, the entire place was spotless, even the floor where a small child was fiddling with the fake plant as his mother talked.

"Ah Kim Seokjin!"An old man smiled, glasses fitting perfectly on his face

"Hey, I kinda wanted to get new glasses? The ones I got last time- I broke them-"Jin said as his cheeks flushed

"Of course here- try these on they're the same prescription as your last ones"The man said as he retrieved glasses handing them to Jin

As he held them in his hands he looked at you nervously, as if he asked himself 'if I put these on will she leave me?' You smiled gesturing towards the glasses and he looked back down at them before putting them on. They fit him perfectly.

"Awe you look adorable~"you smiled

"Do they fit?"the man asked

"Perfectly"Jin smiled squeezing your hand

"Let's buy them then"The man laughed leading him off as your phone buzzed

Do you want to know when? When this will all end forever? :)

Yes? But what do you mean end?

Tomorrow. You will find
out, for now though I say goodbye.
Don't waste time (y/n) :)

A chill went up your spine as you looked back to Jin, waving with a smile as he walked towards you in those adorable glasses.

"(Y/NNNNNN)~~~"He cooed as he slipped his hand into yours, the other opening the door as you went outside


"Let's go back to the park huh?"Jin asked cheerfully

"Of course Jinnnn!"You answered, "it's a gooooood park!"

"It is, I love it"Jin said as you turned the corner

"It's so pretty~"You smiled

"That's why I chose there- it's special- beautiful, unique...just like you"Jin smiled awkwardly

"Awwweeee"You smiled as your cheeks flushed

"In a park there can be flower petals and peTALL trees!"Jin joked

"Oof way to ruin the moment"You laughed


"No no I love your dad jokes"You snickered

"I try my best!"Jin said as you arrived at the same spot he had shown you not even long ago

You sat on the lush grass hugging your knees to your chest as you leaned on Jin.

"Jin, whatever happens I want you to know that I love you okay?"You whispered

"I'll love you forever too (y/n) your my everything"Jin mumbled as he closed his eyes, you closed yours too


Chapter 6 - Stalling
Word count: 534
Date Written: 02-02-18

- Y@ll I'm shook

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