"It's an emergency! Look at these clothes and see if you can find something that I can wear to this family reunion that's important for some reason I couldn't quite get."

            Kurt was concentrated in the task. His eyes examining every piece of clothing Blaine had:

"Wow! Even when you are not in the Warblers' outfit you just dress up in navy and red."

"Come on! The Warbler's jacket is nice."

"Not arguing that; the Warbler's jacket is really fashionable. You all look very dapper, elegant and sexy in it."

"Wait! Did you just say sexy?"

Why did Blaine found it so cute when Kurt blushed? Maybe it was Kurt's innocence that made him want to protect this boy. Kurt couldn't even keep eye-contact as he answered:

"I'm just saying that the jacket is a nice fashion choice."

Blaine could tell that Kurt was embarrassed. He decided to break the tension:

"Speaking of nice fashion choices; what do you say? What should I wear? Don't be shy; you can touch my clothes."

Kurt didn't hesitate; he had already analyzed the whole closet and went straight to a shirt and a pair of trousers:

"I don't know the dress-code of the event, but if it's not very strict this would look cute."

"Understood; to the mall then..."


            They had an amazing time together trying on clothes and just chit-chatting. Kurt couldn't remember feeling so happy in a long time: he was doing his favorite thing in the company of someone who was really easy to talk to. Mercedes was right; he had been very lonely lately.

            Blaine insisted on buying him a frozen yogurt to thank him for the help. Kurt was enjoying every little moment of intimacy they had. They sat in one of the mall's benches just in front of a CD store. Blaine suddenly remembered and turned to Kurt:

            "Say, do you like Rent?"

            "The musical? Of course! Angel is one of my favorite Broadway characters."

            "Do you want to watch it at the Community Playhouse this Friday? Greg Evignan is in the cast and so is Lydia, Wes' girlfriend. She said she could get me tickets."

            "Aren't you going to keep Wes company? I don't think he'll like if I went too."

            "He's going Thursday, on the opening night. She invited me to go on Friday and said I could take whoever I wanted. I don't know anyone who likes musicals as much as I do but you. So? Maybe we can grab a bite after."

            Oh My! Kurt was hyperventilating. Blaine was asking him out. Was it a date? Probably not; but it still would be amazing to watch Rent with Blaine:

            "I'd love to."


            Kurt was looking away from Blaine trying to hide the fact that he was blushing. Luckily, Blaine was too distracted with his yogurt to notice. Kurt wandered if he could pass his excitement of going out with Blaine at nighttime as a passion for the play.


            Blaine picked up the outfit Kurt had chosen him to go to the play. Kurt was really good at it: it was surely cute. However, Kurt didn't seem to notice it. They were a little late and didn't have much time to talk before the play begun.

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