Chapter Five: Welcome back to Dauntless

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Thirty minutes later, one of the older Dauntless members holler that we're here. Without thinking, Uriah, Lynn, Marlene and I run out of the car and land gracefully onto the roof. I playfully punched Uri's arm as we walked over to where the other Dauntless born are. We push past the crowd of people to go to the front.

As expected, Eric stands tall with authority as he is perched onto the edge of the roof as if he is defining the insanity us Dauntless holds within us. His grey eyes meet my brown ones and we just stare at each other. He looks like a truly dangerous Dauntless leader as he straightens his his shoulders and slightly raises his chin. He's very handsome and a lot of Dauntless born girls, who are around my age or a year older than me, think so as well and I suddenly feel very lucky that I am his fiance. I offer him a small smile and he returns it with a small smirk. Unfortunately, it doesn't last long because the rest of the initiates gather into the crowd and Eric's smirk fades into a cold glare.

"Everybody listen up," Eric says before anyone can continue their conversations. "If you want to enter Dauntless, this is the way in. If you don't have the guts to jump, then you don't belong in Dauntless."

"Is there water at the bottom or something?" an Erudite boy asks Eric. Lynn, Marlene, Uriah, and I give each other a look before rolling our eyes.

"I guess you'll have to find that out," Eric responds with a sly smirk, causing me to involuntarily put on a small smile at that. He scoffs as he looks at me, clearly frustrated with the silence, before saying, "Well somebody's gotta go first, who's it gonna be?" Before I could volunteer, that damn Stiff girl beats me to it. I decide to let it go, but I decided to keep my anger as Eric studies her whilst stepping down to join us Dauntless born. I secretly pray incredibly hard that she falls and gets hurt. Sadly, my prayers weren't answered as she stands on her two feet. What irritates me even more is that she begins to stare down at the dark abyss below her. She then strips off her heavy grey Abnegation blazer.

"Yeah, Stiff! Take it off!" a boy from Candor taunts her. We, except for her Candor gal-pal, laugh at this. "Put it back on." He mutters,we only chuckle at this except for his dopey minion-like friends. She turns around, balls up the jacket, and throws it right at his face. To my amazement, she hits it spot on. Then she begins to stare again.

"Today, initiate." says Eric. I roll my eyes as her cheeks redden before she finally decides to jump. About time, I thought to myself, I could've sworn I saw the sun set a few inches you fucking bitch-ass Stiff. Without any hesitation, I walk up to the edge of the roof. Before I jump, I slip my leather jacket off practically showing off my curves. In which I earn a couple of cat calls and howls which are silenced by Eric's glare. I don't intend to be cruel to him, but it must be done.I guess you can say that I follow the old rule of "an eye for an eye". I send Eric a quick wink before doing a back-tuck off and laughing as I fall. Soon, by back hits the net and I am suspended into the air again before rolling off, Four helping me to my feet as I land.

"Welcome back to Dauntless, Luella." Four greets me with a smile. I return it. Four is such a sweet and nice guy. Well, except when he's drunk or when you first meet him. His drunk side, well, it's not charming nor chivalrous. He acts like a smart-mouthed Candor, always speaking things from the top of his head. I'm telling you, once he's drunk he can't be tamed. Although, it's when you first meet him that intimidates you. He always has his guard up and triple checks that you are the trustworthy type of friend. In my opinion, I would like to know the chivalrous Four instead of drunk Four or stranger Four.

"Thank you, Four. Nice to see you again too." with that, I walk back with the others and wait for the rest of the initiates. As each initiate jumps, I take note that more than half of us has, or had, a fear of heights. I can tell because they either tremble, cry, vomit, or all of the above. I saw this girl from Erudite, smaller than the Stiff and much thinner, nearly vomit on Four's shirt. I held a small bit of pity for her in my heart, but that was so disgusting. Last but somewhat least (sorry, not sorry), the buck-toothed Candor girl jumps last. Her sharp scream is ear splitting and I instantly hate her.

We, Dauntless-born and transfer initiates combined, are lead through a few twists and turns of the narrow walls of Dauntless head quarters. Four and Lauren abruptly stop, and of course we all stop. "This is where we split up," Lauren says and I accidentally let out a sigh of relief, causing a few to laugh or chuckle. She then sends me a glare and I bite my bottom lip with a small shrug. "Dauntless born come with me. I assume you don't need a tour of this place." We then break apart and she leads us down to the dormitories.

Once we get there, we don't wait for her to tell us what to do, for the initiates who have older siblings who have been through Dauntless initiation, already know. She doesn't wait either. Lynn and I pick a bunk next to Marlene and Uriah. However, Lynn and some other girl fight over the bunk next to me. Of course, Lynn won. "Okay, initiates," says Lauren, "Dinner will start in a few minutes, possibly in fifteen. You know the drill. Training from eight a.m. to six p.m. with a lunch break. Good luck and don't you dare skip a meal or be late to training." with that, we rush to the dining hall realizing that we are starving.

{***A/N: hello my darlings! Here is a late update. Sorry that I'm two days late and this chapter is pretty short, but I wanted to keep the dinner scene separate from this chapter. Plus, I'm still trying to figure out how Eric announces their engagement. Which reminds me, I want you guys to tell me your own individual ideas on how Eric should announce his engagement. Sorry if this is too much to ask. So yeah, since I'm out of school (I got out on Wednesday) now, I will be able to update every Friday now that I don't have homework. Okay, thanks for the votes, views, and follows! I totally appreciate it. See you soon!

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