Chapter Eleven: I just wanted some water >.< *EDITED*

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Hello! I know I said I was feeling sick yesterday, but I woke up to find myself feeling better (save the headache)! It's so freaky. But hey, what can I do about it right? So after the long and agonizing two-and-a-half weeks of no updates, I now present to you all *drumroll* Chapter eleven!!! Enjoy


I will still post every Friday, but probably not this one C;

I woke up in the middle of the night with a fire burning in my throat. I groaned as I slowly got up from the uncomfortable cot before slipping my fuzzy black slipper onto my cold feet. It took me a while to adjust to the darkness and the cold temperature before throwing on a black crewneck. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to wear shorts to sleep, seeing that it is pretty cold.

I quietly head out the door and try to find the closest water fountain. As I scoured the area, a light bulb lit up in my head, remembering that there was a drinking fountain a few corners away on the other side of the chasm. This is pretty strange, because everything seems to be a little inconvenient for the initiates. Like do you want us to die of dehydration?

I slowed my pace as I walked along the one-railing bridge over the chasm. The mist from the furiously rushing river sprayed my ankles. I grab onto the railing to make sure I don't slip. Once I got to the other side, I quickened my pace to get to the fountain holding the gloriously cold water. Just as I was about to connect my lips to the water, someone roughly pulls me back by the shoulder and pins me into the cave wall. I look up to see Eric with the angriest look I have ever seen. This caused me to have a cold shiver down my spine.

"Hey Eric," I somehow managed to say nervously as his icy glare bore into my soul. "What are you doing up so late in the middle of the night?"

"I don't know you tell me." He snapped. I gulped under his menacing stare. What happened to the Eric who was kissing me a few hours ago? "Where were you at dinner?"


"You heard me." He growled.

"I was with Zania getting my knuckles fixed up in Judy's office. That's why I wasn't in the mess hall." At that, Eric's glare softened into a concerned look. His grip loosened as he took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, I was just worried about you." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and taken back. Does he not think I can handle myself? Who the hell does he think he is?

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I snapped. Eric slightly widens his eyes in confusion. Anger is rising up in my body. Oh, he really has it coming. Does he not know how stupid that is?

"Do you really think that I'm that incapable of handling myself? In case you forgot, Nose, but I was born and raised a Dauntless member. Yes, I may be reckless, but I can handle it. I'm not a crazy Dauntless girl that needs to rely on her fiancé." I violently shook off his grasp on me, receiving an offended expression. I can feel the guilt biting the back of my neck, but I shook it off. He takes a step back and crosses his arms, raising a pierced eyebrow.

"Did you really think I meant it like that?" I roll my eyes and placed my hands on my hips. Eric sighed in annoyance. "Well, I didn't. I'm sorry if it sounded like I didn't trust you."

After he said that, he stepped a little closer. He then leaned in closer to my face, I couldn't help but do so as well. However, a cold hard hand sent me crumpling to the ground and my hand flew up to my stinging cheek instinctively. I look up into his now dark and cold grey eyes that glared into my terrified soul. Monster. The only word that can describe him through and through.

"Is sorry... really.. the only thing you can say to make up this situation?" He drags out the question through gritted teeth. I slowly stand up, averting my eyes from his. I don't understand... He was so kind. Now I guess why people sometimes call him crazy..

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