Chapter Eight

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Love 15

Author's Note Finally seeing the backend of this fic ♥️. Wow these edits from back in the day are a bit dodge. 😂✌🏼

FYI, Italics, different language, should be self explanatory, normal, in English; just in terms of conversation.(Excluding texting)

Disclaimer Fabricated filaments of my imagination.

Dominic is methodically stirring his oats counter clockwise, pausing every so often to take a sip of water and then continues to consume his breakfast.

It is still early so there are only a few competitors scattered throughout one of the many player's lounges within the vicinity of Melbourne park. This particular one is a little out of the way so it tends to be more quiet, even on a busy day and that is just how he likes it. He needs to stay focused and thus tucking himself away and avoiding any possible forms of potential drama seems like the right thing to do.

It is the day of the singles semi finals for both Dominic and Maja. It is his first time being this far into the Australian Open on both a doubles and singles spectrum so he wants to stay focused.

"Morning," says Kristina, sliding into the seat opposite him.

So much for keeping a low profile.

"Hey," says Dominic. "How are you?"

"I'm okay, what are you up to?"

"Ah nothing much really, having breakfast and then going to have a hit before the semis."

"Oh- Yeah, I heard about zat. When is your singles match?"

The dynamics between the two of them have been a little awkward since their break up. They promised each other that they'd remain friends, however does anyone truly ever stick to that? It's something people say when they finish things to make the other person feel better and less disconnected from what once was. Although the official story is that it was a mutual decision, he still gets a feeling that she's not quite over it.

"Tonight on Rod Laver."

"Who are you play-ing?"


"Have you played him before?"

"Yeah, last year, on clay," says Dominic. "You were there."

"Really? Don't remember," she replies shaking her head, causing her plait to sway against her back.

"Never mind, what would you like Kiki?"

"Well I was thinking, it was so fun to you zee other day, was wondering if you wanted to do something zis morning before your match?"

"Um, ah- I would, don't get me wrong, but I kinda wanted to see Maja's match," says Dominic. "She's play-ing this morning. Clara will be there too."

"Oh, Maja?" says Kristina, glancing away. "I just thought that-- never mind."

"Sorry Kristina, I really vont to see her match today and Clara is like family," says Dominic, "I haven't seen here in ages."

"Why? About Maja I mean, I understand she's your tennis partner zis tournament, but you don't 'ave to see her singles."

"Oh I really wanted to. She's pretty cool," replies Dominic sharply, inhaling a gasp of air and holding it, waiting for her response. "I like her."

Love 15  (A Dominic Thiem Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant