[5] Is there such thing as a 5th wheel?

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I groaned as I walked to the car holding Finn. All of a sudden he weighed like literally 80 pounds! And because of my stupid panic attack, I can't wear my glasses. Yay! Hint The Sarcasm.

So, to make up for it, my hair is in a pony, I'm wearing an extra big sweater, sunglasses, and some Converse. Hopefully I can still blind in.

I drove to school in my own car which ment a longer walk Yay. This day is going to be fabulous! Did I mention a new pack came to town because they have this Rogue problem so thats such a great bonus to this alreay great day.

"Wow, Somebody looks like they are going to be absolutely fun to hang out with today" Malia and Jackson said at the same time. Something they rarely do.

"Well, when one gets rejected one will be in a ter-ri-ble mood" I said as I began my walk to class. They both already knew from the long talk on the phone and skype we had.

"It'll be all right" Jackson patter my head. I growled as he backed his hand away slowely treating my like a dog. 

Can't this day be over?

"Do you smell that?" Malia jumped in excitment. Literally.

"What does it smell like to you?" I asked.

"Peanut Butter and Strawberries!" she screamed.

Mates Near. How come I was so stupid to not realise it was my Mate's smell that smelt so good.

"Well, go follow it and then look at every guys eyes that comes near the smell" I said as Cassie raced towards the smell.

"I'll See you in Art" I yelled as Jackson and I walked into the building.

I made it just in time for Art to start and sitting at a our table was a guy as Cassie sat on his lap.

"Hey Malli" I said sitting down. The guy growled at me. WTH he's the one on my territory!

"Strawberry, that's my best friend Cassie! Be Nice!" Strawberry, what the hell?

"Oh, nice to meet you I'm Bryce, Malia's Mate" he smiled at me as we shook hands.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you wearing sunglasses?" Bryce asked me.

"Well, she usually wears glasses to try to 'blend'-" Malia qouted blend, "but her glasses broke when she passed out because her mate was rejecting her" Malia said.

If glares could kill my bestie would be dead.

"Oh, I'm So Sorry" he said.


"I wouldn't know what to do if my SugarPlum rejected me" Bryce said starring at eachother. They then gave butterfly kisses.

Aww, they are so sweet. Yuck!


I don't know what could be more disgusting, the fact that the person in front of me in class wouldn't stop farting or how lovey dovey Malia and Bryce were being. I mean, they have there whole life to be like that.

I walked into Family Consumer Science and sat ontop of the desk as Jackson worked last minute on his math homework for next class.

"Problem 28 is 365" I said. I remembered it some how.

"How did you not get it done? It was Problems 26-30 even" I said looking at him. He then clenched his jaw,

"26-30 even? I had asked Malia what they were and she said this was the last homework of the year so he was making it question 1 through 30, of each page" Ha in his face.

Chasing Him...(Werewolf)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin