22 || again.

Start from the beginning

her thoughts were empty, like she wasn't there at all. she was only brought back when she bumped into someone. she dropped her folders and almost lost her balance.

"ah, sorry!" she apologized.

her paperwork and things were scattered around on the snow. she quickly picked them up, in fear of them getting wet or ruined.

she turned to see a male, presumably the person she bumped into, helping her pick her things up. they faced each other, not exactly making eye contact.

"uh, here... i didn't mean to- eunha?"

she looked up at the male's face, and immediately widened her eyes. she placed her free hand over her mouth in shock.


"oh my god." out of instinct, he hugged her.

she awkwardly stood there, with her folder pressed up against the side of her body.

he let go of her and smiled.

"i- jeno, what are you doing here?"

"i got into the same university as mark, which is-"

"mark knows you're here?"

jeno was confused. "what?"

"i just met mark a while ago."

he raised an eyebrow. "you did? was it at the café?"

"yeah. it was-"

"he just texted me he met someone special at the café."

both widened their eyes. suddenly eunha looked at the time. "shit, i'm running late."

"let's exchange numbers?"

the two quickly rushed to their classes while exchanging information. luckily their campuses were next to eachother, and they were able to make it on time.


time passed and eunha's classes ended. she made her way out of the campus before stopping.

"hey eunha!" someone called, leading eunha to smile.

"huh, didn't expect to see you here."

"well, we do have a lot of catching up to do so... café?"


as they made their way to the café, they had small conversations about their lives, not wanting to run out of topics during their chat.

eunha couldn't help but notice how much more handsome jeno was compared to before. his smile was contagious but it made her heart pound, and almost blush. she also couldn't notice how tall he had gotten.

on the other hand, jeno stole quick glances at her. she looked so mature in his eyes, she somehow became so much more beautiful. she was like a diamond to him, precious and fragile. he had to resist holding her hand on multiple occasions.

upon arriving at the café, they took their order and sat down at the same table eunha did earlier.

"even your order hasn't changed." jeno chuckled.

"well, i am loyal to my drinks. once a coffee-holic, always a coffee-holic." she joked.

"so, got a love life?"

eunha scoffed. "who'd want to date a girl who blocks everyone out?"

"yikes, you're right."

"so what about you, mr. im so cool?"

"whoops empty. try again in 2 hours?"

the two laughed as they caught up with each other. as they quietened down, jeno spoke up again.

"eunha, have you ever thought about everything that happened in high school?"

she simply smiled. "once in a while. it's always in the back of my head; i smile about our catastrophic hangouts and... and our dates."

she'd admit it, she was a little embarassed by the way she ended it but it was the truth. she'd sometimes drift into space and flashback into the past.

he was glad she mentioned it. he wasn't any different. "i do too, even if it ended kinda awkwardly."

suddenly the bell that hung above the door rang as loud yelling and high pitched laugh broke the awkward tension between the two.

eunha couldn't hide her smile when she realized who had entered the café, and neither could the group of noisy university students.

"holy- oh my god, jung eunha!" one of them called, hugging her.

"god, donghyuck you're strangling me!"

"i want a hug too!"

"chenle no-"

"okay, okay! save the hugs for later please!"

mark came in to break apart the guys and eunha, leading her to mouth a quick thank you to him. they sat down and caught up with each other, chenle and donghyuck complaining about workload, renjun shaking his head in disbelief, jisung bragging about his love life with naeun.

without no one noticing, several hours had passed. it wasn't until the boys simultaneously got a text, signaling they were late for some practice. they got up to leave, but eunha stood confused.

"hey, aren't you going with them?"

"nope," jeno replied. "i wanted to walk you home."

"you don't need to-"

"i insist."

naturally, eunha gave in. the two walked as snow continued to fall down. it was almost like an anime cliché, surreal but it wasn't. they passed jokes to each other and took a couple photos of each other.

as they approached eunha's apartment, she turned to him.

"so uh, yeah we're here." she began unlocking her door.

"uh eunha?"


"it's really sudden, but..."

her heart began pounding. what's he going to ask?

"do you want to try again?"

eunha looked at the shy boy. she was shocked by the question, which made jeno feel embarassed. "uhm nevermind, don't answer th-"

she hugged him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"yes, i do."



it took me so long to update bc i had no time, and when i did i had writer's block etc

i was actually planning on just not continuing this solely bc it felt so boring and i was really unmotivated :/

but i pushed through and boom last chapter's here :)

i hope you enjoyed this, despite it being rEaAlLlLLy shitty

ok have a great year, here's to 2018 ♡

- i wrote this a while ago but due to complications with the app, i had trouble publishing :( sorry for the delay!

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