Chapter 1

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/\/\/\/\ ASHLYN’S POV /\/\/\/\    10 P.M.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking, we like to welcome you onboard this LAX flight to London, England. Flight duration is around 10 hours and we are expecting a fairly smooth flight today. Once again we thank you for choosing to fly with us today and we hope you enjoy your flight." the captain announces. As the flight attendant walks by my seat in First Class I ask for a glass of water and some peanuts. Original…I know but who can get on a plane and NOT eat peanuts?! Well someone who is allergic to them duhhhhh, but you get what I mean! So your probably wondering who I am and what the hell I’m doing going to London. Well my name is Ashlyn Smith, 18 years old, and I’m running away.


^^^^5 hours earlier ^^^^

        “Josh, I’m running away,” I spoke to my older brother over the phone “and I need your help.” My 26 year old brother is a doctor…very rich doctor I might add. That’s why I need his help, to get away from my abusive boyfriend, Derek. I have been with Derek for a year and a half. We had gotten together because I was in pain (with my brother off in medical school, because he and I were best friends) and Derek was there for me. Things started off amazing. He was the perfect boyfriend: The star football player, romantic, sweet, but sexy at the same time…until we got to 6 months of dating. Everything went downhill. If a guy even gave me the slightest glance, Derek would flip out. He got over possessive and when something would go wrong, no matter whose fault it was, he would beat me. Over and over again…until you couldn’t tell it was me. Luckily it never left any huge scars. I tried to break up with him, but then he would only beat me harder. As you know, my brother is a doctor, so to be a doctor he has to go to medical school. Well as he was in medical school was when all this happened, so I had no one to help me. Derek told me he would kill my mom if she or the police got involved, so I never went to the police. The only people I told were my brother and best friend, Sofie.

        It was the end of the day and I was outside the guy’s football locker room waiting for Derek to come out. He was taking me home today after his football practice. I hate waiting on him! I thought. Finally, after waiting for forever, he came out. We didn’t speak as we walked to his car. His car was parked in the student parking lot…all the way on the other side of the school from the locker rooms. “Hey Derek, I gotta pee.” I said. “Okay, go, but HURRY! I want to get home!” Wohhhh…I better hurry…he’s not in a good mood at ALL! I run into the bathroom, but evidently I didn’t go fast enough because I hear the bathroom door open then slam close and the click saying the door is now locked. Derek walks over to the sink I’m using. I look up in the mirror to see him fuming mad. Uhhh ohhh I think. I quickly turn around and get shove up against the sink by Derek. “I TOLD YOU TO HURRY!” Derek bellows at me. All of the sudden, there is a stinging pain on my right cheek, and then my left. “YOU WORTHLESS LITTLE SLUT!” That was normal…to be called words like this by him, but today, I don’t know why, everything hurt more. Every punch, slap, and kick hurt 10 times more. The last thing I remember was lying on the floor, with Derek kicking me in the stomach. Then I blacked out.


******AUTHORS NOTE******

Okay guys, first chapter! Tell me what you think! Next chapter should be up VERY SOON, like in an hour or so. Sorry that it’s so short! Most chapters will be longer, but I just decided to stop this one here...why???...I don’t know!!! But please comment and tell me what you think! I write a lot, but this is my first Wattpad story so give me your opinion!!!


P.S. I love to change POVs so BE PREPARED

P.P.S Want a One-Shot??? A story??? made about YOU/your dream character???!!! check out my page for more info!! <3



                        Jessie <3




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