I never wanted this

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School ends and I get a ride from my mother.
I kinda wish that devil was here right now.

I have no idea why I like him, but I do.

I get home and go to my room and sit and think.

The day dragged on and on until night fell and I started getting ready for sleep.
I wasn't tired at all.
But I still lay in my bed. Just starring at the ceiling.

Maybe I like him too early. Why now? It is so quick.
I start to doze off.
Then I wake up to the sound of what sounded like someone jumping on the floor in my room.

My eyes shot open fast as light. I scan the room and can't really see anything because of the darkness. Only the apricity of the moonlight is showing through the curtains.
I would turn in my lamp but I'm frozen.
Then my eyes focus on a dark shadowy figure.
Then I see it open it's eyes, that glow a neon yellow.

I start to get terrified.
Then it walks towards my and I see that... it's devil!

I sit up in my bed. He just looks at me and smiles.

"Hey dice." He says.

My eyes are wide.
I sigh a big sigh of relief.

"H-hi devil." I say a little shaken up, also nervously.

He laughs.
"Scared you a bit there didn't I?" He said.
I laugh a little.
"Yeah, haha." I say.

"Come on. Let's go." He says, he seems quite serious all of the sudden.

"Were?" I ask.
"Outside. I just want to talk. Clear my mind of what's happening to me."
Devil says, looking towards the window.
I wonder what he meant.

I start to get out of my bed but remember that I am sleeping in my boxers.
I freeze for a second.

This may be totally awkward or totally fine. I tell myself.

I get out of the covers and devil cocks his head towards me after looking out the window.
I try and ignore the fact that I saw his face go red once he saw.

He moves his head back to the window. I can tell he's holding his breath, but so am I.
I but on some skinny jeans and a jacket.

"Ok, come on." He says climbing out the window. I follow him.
We maneuver our way down.
We start walking, over to the sidewalk.
We are silent then he grabs my back and I turn around and see he has big bat like wings.
He lifts me up into the air. I start to freak out a little at the thought of me falling.
I hear him laughing.
We fly through the night sky and towards a high mountain. He takes me all the way to the top.
As we approach the spot we're we land, he sets me down softly.
I stable myself and the see him land.
I turn and look into the black night towards out town.
My jaw drops at the sight.
I don't even notice devil sit down, but then I do and I sit with him.

We both look at the scenery.
I see him turn his head like he's sad or embarrassed.
"Have you ever felt what it's like to be forced to do something?" He asks all of the sudden.
"Yes." I answer.
"Well, do you know what it's like to be forced to be... To be evil?" He asks.
All of the sudden he starts to cry. Taking in deep breaths and letting them out with tears he try's to talk more.
"That's right. I don't want to be evil! I hate it!
The reason I have to be gone is because... they have to take me to hell to be forced to be evil."
He starts balling.

"And...sniff.. and they gave me pills to take that will change me... but I've been fighting t-t-them. Off as best as I can."

He breaks down.
I don't know what to do. I sit frozen as I see him pull his knees in and burry his face in.

I let my body just grab him and hug him tight.
"It's ok devil! You can fight this." I say.

"You don't understand. I'm going to be evil soon. The pills will take over me. That's why I have to tell you this now. I have to keep away from you. For your own safety."
He says.
I gasp.

"No devil. I want to be with you the whole way!" I yell.
"You can't!" He yells.
I can tell the pills are kicking in because he's getting angry.

"Devil! Let me help you!" I yell.
"There's nothing you can do! And I'm soon gonna be stuck like this!
But don't forget, I never wanted to do this! I never asked to exist!" He says with tears streaming down his face.

"I won't let it happen!" I yell.

"How? How huh? HOW CAN YOU." He says crying harder.

I clench my fists trying to fight back tears.
"I... I don't know!" I say falling to my knees.

"I'm sorry dice." Devil says as he calms down.

He walks over and pick me up princess style.
"I don't think there is a humanly way possible for you to help me." He says.

I look up at him full of tears.
"I'm gonna help you get out of this somehow."
I say......

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